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时间:2012-09-07 10:28:01 来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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A volunteer undregoes a virtual sex change. His virtual reality headset was showing him a woman and a young girl in a room and transport him into the girl's body. Once there the woman strokes his arm while his real arm is being stroked at the same time. The research aims to reveal how much we're prepared to believe that the virtual is real, according to university of Barcelona's, Panha Spindly .

一名志愿者正在实验转换性别的虚拟现实技术。他头上佩带的虚拟现实头盔让他看到一个房间,里面有一名年长的女性和一名年轻女孩,接着头盔将视角转换成年轻女孩的视角。当画面中的女人触摸女孩儿的手臂时,实验者的胳膊也被施加相似的触碰。巴塞罗纳大学的Panha Spindly表示,这项实验旨在检验我们在多大程度上会把虚拟当成现实。

What we're doing this research with reality is that we show it from a first person's perspective, so when you look down at yourself you actually see the girl's body. And this shows to be more important than the synchronous and synchronous stroking.


7 minutes of stroking gets the volunteer comfortable, and then the virtual perspective changes from first to third person and the mood changes. Immediately after the experiment volunteers said on average they felt their arm was being stroked by the virtual woman. Even though the visual image of the girl's arm was less convincing.


We've done another experiment where we actually look at how much realism is important, and it shows that what is important is not the visual quality but just the way virtual reality reacts to what you're doing.


Virtual reality is already being used by the US military to treat troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, could become more helpful in many other areas.


If you would have some abuser put into virtual reality where they are actually the victim of the abuse. That could change their view of what's, what they are actually causing to that person.


Spindly said the new way of 3D consumer technology such as the wii would make virtual reality common place in the home of the future.


Steward, Reuters, Barcelona.



相关热词搜索: 科技动态 虚拟 现实


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