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编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Now from the Boston Museum of Science, Sci-tech today, on NECN.
  • 有线新闻波士顿消息,欢迎收看今天的Sci-tech Today。
  • We are talking about a breakthrough in the battle against heart disease.
  • 今天我们要聊的是心脏病抢救的新突破。
  • Harvard and MIT scientists have developed a new technology that requires no surgery: it's called Nanoburrs.
  • 哈佛和麻省理工的科学家们研发出一种不用开刀手术的治疗方法:Nanoburrs。
  • And Dr. Brindha Muniappan joins us live from the Museum of Science in Boston and tells us about it. Thanks for being here.
  • 来自波士顿科学馆的Brindha Muniappan博士将向我们做详细介绍。
  • Thanks Beth. It's nice to be here.
  • 谢谢Beth,很高兴来到这里。
  • So explain to us a little bit about what a Nanoburr is?
  • 那么,请向我们解释一下Nanoburr是什么?
  • Sure. So a nanoburr is a nanoparticle. So very very tiny particle we can't see with our naked eyes on such a small scale.
  • 好的。nanoburr其实是纳米粒子,一种非常非常小用肉眼无法看到的微小分子。
  • But these particles have been designed to sort of be like burrs you might find out in nature.
  • 这些分子就像大自然中的细小毛刺一样。
  • So if you are out on a walk for example, maybe you've already encountered some of these burrs stuck to your socks or maybe to your pet.
  • 举个例子,如果你出门散步,也许就会有一些细小毛刺粘到你的袜子或是你的宠物身上。
  • These nanoparticles were designed just like these burrs to stick but to a specific place in our body to damaged heart vessels.
  • 纳米粒子就像是这种毛刺,但是粘到了人类身体一个特殊的部位,引发心血管疾病的病变区域。
  • And how are they able to do that?
  • 这些纳米粒子是如何做到的呢?
  • Well, the team of researchers that you mentioned earlier designed the nanoparticles to have a very special protein coding the outside of them.
  • 之前你提到过的研究小组的成员将这种纳米颗粒设计为含有一种特殊编码的蛋白质。
  • And that protein really just wants to bind to another protein that's only exposed when heart vessels are damaged.
  • 而这种蛋白质只依附于另一种只存在心血管损伤处的蛋白质。
  • And so, I have got a little demonstration here. If you imagine that this tube is like a blood vessel, the clear area is a normal tissue and the white area is a site of damage.
  • 我在这里能展示出来。如果你想象这根管道是一根血管,透明部分是正常组织,白色部分是受损组织。
  • We would inject the nanoburr and it will bind only to the site of damage. You can do that with multiple nanoburrs. There they stick only to the site of damage.
  • 我们注射的纳米粒子会附在受损的白色区域。我们放入多个纳米粒子,都会附在白色区域,
  • And that's the high technology here.
  • 这就是它的高科技所在之处。
  • So once the nanoburr attaches to that tissue, how does it help improve the condition of the heart?
  • 一旦纳米粒子附着在受损区域,它是如何修复心血管的呢?
  • Well, the inside of the nanoburr contains medicine. So once the burr is bond to the site of damage, it can very slowly release medicine to treat the site of damage.
  • 在Nanoburr中包含有药物。一旦毛刺附在受伤的血管部位,它就能慢慢释放出来药物来治疗伤处。
  • And that's another improvement of this particular technology: the ability to very slowly release the medicine over 12-14 days.
  • 这项技术的另一个特殊之处就是释放速度可以很缓慢,慢至12到14天。
  • So how is this improvement over conventional treatments for blocked or damaged arteries?
  • 那么,这一发明如何能取代传统方法治疗血栓和血管损伤?
  • Well, in one way, as I mentioned, there is a slow release of drug. But also, these nanoburrs don't have to be surgically implanted, they can just be injected.
  • 我刚才提到了一点,就是药物的缓慢释放。还有一点就是Nanoburrs不用外科手术植入,直接注射即可。
  • And there is a little bit more of an advantage, there is a possibility of using this technology for treating other diseases, including cancer or severe inflammation.
  • 还有另一个优点,那就是这项技术还能应用于治疗其他疾病,包括癌症或者严重的炎症。
  • So a team of scientists at Harvard and MIT developed the technology. Where is it and it's availability to patients?
  • 一只由哈佛和麻省理工科学家组成的小组研发这项技术。而,这项技术对换着来说可行吗?
  • Well, this technology unfortunately is still in very early stages. Scientists have done some initial tests in rats in their laboratory.
  • 不幸的是,这项技术还处于起步阶段。科学家们已经在实验室用老鼠做一些基础实验。
  • They are hoping to do a bit more tests in animals. Maybe within about five years, they might be able to do some small clinical tests in human patients.
  • 他们希望能在动物身上做更多的实验。也许在五年内,他们可以再人类患者身上做一些临床试验。
  • So it sounds like the idea of this isn't just to treat a heart that has already undergone something like a heart attack but more to prevent it from happening?
  • 因此,这项技术不仅是治疗得过心脏病的患者,更是预防心脏明的技术?
  • Well, it certainly might be used before a heart attack, but it could also be used in conjunction with current treatments like
  • 这项技术能用于预防心脏病,但也能同心脏支架,
  • stents that are currently used to keep open a previously blocked artery. So it's possible that there are multiple uses for this technology.
  • 一种使血栓过的心血管保持通畅的治疗方式相结合。
  • Alright, Dr. Brindha Muniappan, thanks so much for joining us. Thank you, Beth.
  • 好的,谢谢你,Brindha Muniappan博士。谢谢,Beth。


Now from the Boston Museum of Science, Sci-tech today, on NECN.

有线新闻波士顿消息,欢迎收看今天的Sci-tech Today
We are talking about a breakthrough in the battle against heart disease. Harvard and MIT scientists have developed a new technology that requires no surgery: it's called Nanoburrs. And Dr. Brindha Muniappan joins us live from the Museum of Science in Boston and tells us about it. Thanks for being here.
今天我们要聊的是心脏病抢救的新突破。哈佛和麻省理工的科学家们研发出一种不用开刀手术的治疗方法:Nanoburrs。老子波士顿科学馆的Brindha Muniappan博士将向我们做详细介绍。
Thanks Beth. It's nice to be here.
So explain to us a little bit about what a Nanoburr is?
Sure. So a nanoburr is a nanoparticle. So very very tiny particle we can't see with our naked eyes on such a small scale. But these particles have been designed to sort of be like burrs you might find out in nature. So if you are out on a walk for example, maybe you've already encountered some of these burrs stuck to your socks or maybe to your pet. These nanoparticles were designed just like these burrs to stick but to a specific place in our body to damaged heart vessels.
And how are they able to do that?
Well, the team of researchers that you mentioned earlier designed the nanoparticles to have a very special protein coding the outside of them. And that protein really just wants to bind to another protein that's only exposed when heart vessels are damaged.
And so, I have got a little demonstration here. If you imagine that this tube is like a blood vessel, the clear area is a normal tissue and the white area is a site of damage. We would inject the nanoburr and it will bind only to the site of damage. You can do that with multiple nanoburrs. There they stick only to the site of damage. And that's the high technology here.
So once the nanoburr attaches to that tissue, how does it help improve the condition of the heart?
Well, the inside of the nanoburr contains medicine. So once the burr is bond to the site of damage, it can very slowly release medicine to treat the site of damage. And that's another improvement of this particular technology: the ability to very slowly release the medicine over 12-14 days.
So how is this improvement over conventional treatments for blocked or damaged arteries?
Well, in one way, as I mentioned, there is a slow release of drug. But also, these nanoburrs don't have to be surgically implanted, they can just be injected. And there is a little bit more of an advantage, there is a possibility of using this technology for treating other diseases, including cancer or severe inflammation.
So a team of scientists at Harvard and MIT developed the technology. Where is it and it's availability to patients?
Well, this technology unfortunately is still in very early stages. Scientists have done some initial tests in rats in their laboratory.They are hoping to do a bit more tests in animals. Maybe within about five years, they might be able to do some small clinical tests in human patients.
So it sounds like the idea of this isn't just to treat a heart that has already undergone something like a heart attack but more to prevent it from happening?
Well, it certainly might be used before a heart attack, but it could also be used in conjunction with current treatments like stents that are currently used to keep open a previously blocked artery. So it's possible that there are multiple uses for this technology.
Alright, Dr. Brindha Muniappan, thanks so much for joining us. Thank you, Beth.
好的,谢谢你,Brindha Muniappan博士。谢谢,Beth


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

conventional [kən'venʃənl]


adj. 传统的,惯例的,常规的

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

clinical ['klinikəl]


adj. 临床的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

scale [skeil]


n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围
v. 依比例决

inject [in'dʒekt]


v. 注射

tissue ['tiʃu:]


n. (生物的)组织,织物,薄绢,纸巾





