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  • Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fedex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who help you save the money.
  • 联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10%。我们了解,你需要的是物美价廉的合作伙伴。
  • It's Thursday Nov.18th. I'm Natelly Wals. And it's time to get loaded.
  • 今天是11月18日。我是Natelly Wals,欢迎收看今天的资讯信息。
  • The makers of Farmville are said to launch Cityville.
  • Farmville的制作方将推出一款名为Cityville的游戏。
  • FarmVille is a game that gained popularity on Facebook.
  • FarmVille是脸谱网上一款人气很高的游戏。
  • CityVille would be a like-minded social game where you build a city from a ground up.
  • CityVille也很有可能成为玩家喜爱的一款社交网络游戏,在CityVille游戏中你将能够平地建造起一座城市。
  • It would be available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German when it launches in the coming weeks.
  • 该游戏将于未来几周推出,届时将会有英语,法语,西班牙语和德语版本。
  • On Tuesday, Apple announced that iTunes is the first online music store to sell the Beatles music.
  • 周二,苹果公司宣布iTunes将是第一个出售披头士唱片专辑的在线音乐商城。
  • Apparently, the negociation was heated accroding to the NewYork Post, both google and Amazon were bidding for these rights.
  • 在此之后,谷歌,亚马逊也加入销售竞争,根据纽约邮报的报道,这场销售战持续升温。
  • These are heavy heaters. But we don't know how much money it took for Apple to win the war. I'm gussing a lot.
  • 谷歌亚马逊都是苹果的激烈竞争对手。但苹果的销售排行高居榜首,我虽然不知道苹果与其他几家公司的销售额差异有多大,但我估计销售额差距一定很大。
  • AT&T now has a Mifi. It was the only major cellular carrier that didn't have one.
  • 美国运营商AT&T推出首个Mifi设备。AT&T是唯一没有Wifi服务的手机运营商。
  • This is a mobile 3G device that brings your Wifi data over AT&T 3G network.
  • 该器件允许多个Wi-Fi设备共享一个单一AT&T公司的3G连接。
  • The Mifi2372 launches on Nov. 21st, and it costs $50 with a $100 mail in rebate, plans start at 35 dollars per month.
  • Mifi2372将于11月21日推出,售价50美元,100美元邮寄退款,流量套餐起价为35美元。
  • Google docs now supports editing on mobile devices.
  • 谷歌网终于补全手机编辑功能。
  • If you are a google docs power user like most of us here in CNet. You know that editing a Google spreadsheet on the mobile device is murder.
  • 如果你是谷歌的超级用户,比如我们CNeT的各位同仁,过去如果你用手机在Google Docs编辑,保存,共享自己的文档文件无异于自杀性行为,
  • But no more, Google docs now has been optimized for mobile and all mobile browsers including the iPad.
  • 而现在,Google docs进行了改良,手机用户,甚至是iPad用户也可以轻松使用。
  • Google has also made peace in France. The company reached an agreement with the French book publisher called Hachette Livre. I'm not sure if I'm saying that right.
  • 谷歌与法国作协在电子书问题上达成和解。谷歌和法国图书出版商Hachette Livre达成协议。
  • The agreement allows Google to scan thousands of auto print books for google books.
  • 协议商定谷歌将扫描上千部还在版权期的图书添加到谷歌的电子书浏览功能中。
  • They can sell those books as e-books but they have to be preapproved by the publisher.
  • 谷歌可以销售这些电子书,但该电子书的销售必须事先得到出版商允许。
  • Google will share revenue with Hachette but the revenue share was not disclosed.
  • 谷歌与出版商Hachette会进行分成,但具体的分成方式并未公布。
  • And finally, do you ever stare at vending machine wondering what you're in the mood for.
  • 最后一则消息,你有没有盯着自动贩卖机不知道买什么的时候?
  • Now the vending machine will help you out.
  • 现在自动贩卖机能够帮你排忧解难了。
  • A Japanese canned-drinking machine uses facial recognition to recommend the drink based on who is standing in front of it.
  • 日本的自动贩卖机使用面部识别技术,可识别面前人的面容。
  • An oldman perhaps nice to drink ale, and a young kid, maybe they want Dr. Pepper.
  • 如果是老人家,自动贩卖机就会广告推荐麦芽酒,如果是小孩子就推荐Dr. Pepper。
  • It sounds ridiculous but it apparently sales on those machines have trippled as a result.
  • 这听起来很荒谬,但自动贩卖机的销售量增加了3倍。
  • Those are your headlines for today, I will see you tomorrow. I'm Natia Morris for and You are just being loaded.
  • 以上就是今天的头条,欢迎明天继续收看。我是CNet.com的Natia Morris,感谢收看。
  • Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fedex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who help you save the money.
  • 联邦快递,你的最佳商业合作伙伴。联邦快递比UPS节约成本10%。我们了解,你需要的是物美价廉的合作伙伴。


Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fedex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who help you save the money.


It's Thursday Nov.18th. I'm Natelly Wals. And it's time to get loaded.

今天是11月18日。我是Natelly Wals,欢迎收看今天的资讯信息。

The makers of Farmville are said to launch Cityville. FarmVille is a game that gained popularity on Facebook. CityVille would be a like-minded social game where you build a city from a ground up. It would be available in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German when it launches in the coming weeks.


On Tuesday, Apple announced that iTunes is the first online music store to sell the Beatles music. Apparently, the negociation was heated accroding to the NewYork Post, both google and Amazon were bidding for these rights. These are heavy heaters. But we don't know how much money it took for Apple to win the war. I'm gussing a lot.


AT&T now has a Mifi. It was the only major cellular carrier that didn't have one. This is a mobile 3G device that brings your Wifi data over AT&T 3G network. The Mifi2372 launches on Nov. 21st, and it costs $50 with a $100 mail in rebate, plans start at 35 dollars per month.


Google docs now supports editing on mobile devices. If you are a google docs power user like most of us here in CNet. You know that editing a Google spreadsheet on the mobile device is murder. But no more, Google docs now has been optimized for mobile and all mobile browsers including the iPad.

谷歌网终于补全手机编辑功能。如果你是谷歌的超级用户,比如我们CNeT的各位同仁,过去如果你用手机在Google Docs编辑,保存,共享自己的文档文件无异于自杀性行为,而现在,Google docs进行了改良,手机用户,甚至是iPad用户也可以轻松使用。

Google has also made peace in France. The company reached an agreement with the French book publisher called Hachette Livre. I'm not sure if I'm saying that right. The agreement allows Google to scan thousands of auto print books for google books. They can sell those books as e-books but they have to be preapproved by the publisher. Google will share revenue with Hachette but the revenue share was not disclosed.

谷歌与法国作协在电子书问题上达成和解。谷歌和法国图书出版商Hachette Livre达成协议。协议商定谷歌将扫描上千部还在版权期的图书添加到谷歌的电子书浏览功能中。谷歌可以销售这些电子书,但该电子书的销售必须事先得到出版商允许。谷歌与出版商Hachette会进行分成,但具体的分成方式并未公布。

And finally, do you ever stare at vending machine wondering what you're in the mood for. Now the vending machine will help you out. A Japanese canned-drinking machine uses facial recognition to recommend the drink based on who is standing in front of it. An oldman perhaps nice to drink ale, and a young kid, maybe they want Dr. Pepper. It sounds ridiculous but it apparently sales on those machines have trippled as a result.

最后一则消息,你有没有盯着自动贩卖机不知道买什么的时候?现在自动贩卖机能够帮你排忧解难了。日本的自动贩卖机使用面部识别技术,可识别面前人的面容。如果是老人家,自动贩卖机就会广告推荐麦芽酒,如果是小孩子就推荐Dr. Pepper。这听起来很荒谬,但自动贩卖机的销售量增加了3倍。

Those are your headlines for today, I will see you tomorrow. I'm Natia Morris for and You are just being loaded.

以上就是今天的头条,欢迎明天继续收看。我是CNet.comNatia Morris,感谢收看。

Fedex, proud partner of visionaries, saving 10% on ground shipping at Fedex office over the UPS store. We understand you need a partner who help you save the money.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

recognition [.rekəg'niʃən]


n. 认出,承认,感知,知识

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

stare [steə(r)]


v. 凝视,盯着看
n. 凝视

announced [ə'naunst]



network ['netwə:k]


n. 网络,网状物,网状系统
vt. (

ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备





