Samsung and Apple are battling it out over patents in the US court, but they are also battling for customers. Here on the ground.
I'm Ramy Inocencio in Hong kong in the Samsung premiere of this, this is the Galaxy Note 10.1 and the Samsung's answer to Apple's iPads. It's both a tablet, but it's also a phone. That's take a look.
我是拉米·伊诺森西奥,我在三星新品发布会上,这就是Galaxy Note 10.1,这是针对苹果Ipad设计的一款产品。它不仅是平板电脑,也是手机。这个卖点值得关注。
Now one of the most distinctive features about the Note 10.1 is this right here, it's a stylus or what they call the S-pen. And as you expect, you are able to write on this, so you can just write anything you want from Chinese characters to English, and even to pictures. Just write here. You can also say what you write, and it will play back, the stroke order or a picture from beginning to end. Another function that's unique to the Note 10.1 is this right here, it is a dual screen function that allows you to check out a web page, maybe, or at the same time, checking out a video. Also, there is an infrared transmiter, just at the top which basically turns your Note into one big remote control.
现在Galaxy Note 10.1最典型的特征在这里,这是触笔,也就是人们常说的S-pen。正如你所期待的,你可以在上面写任何你想写的字,从汉字到英文,连图片都可以。你也可以说出你所写的,然后它会从头到尾播放字的笔画和画图的顺序。另一处独特功能在这边,就是双屏功能,能让用户既能浏览网页,同时也能观看视频。而且,顶端装有红外传感装置,基本来说能把这个笔记本当做大遥控器使用。
Now there are some criticisms to the Note 10.1, the first being that some people just might not take too kindly to the stylus. The second is that it's just going to barely miss out on the new Android software coming out this fall. And the third is that this is going to be about $100 more expensive than its competitor, the Apple iPad. And remember Samsung is marketing this as a phone as much as a tablet, so how do you make a phone call with this, while you can plug the headphones and you can make a voice video call, but something that you might not want to do is do this on the street, and say hello.
还有一些关于Note 10.1的差评,首先,有些人可能不把触笔当回事。其次,它差点没错过金秋面世的新的安卓系统。第三是这款产品将比其竞争对手——苹果Ipad贵100美元。不过记着,三星的营销战略将其视作平板电脑兼手机。但是用它怎么打电话呢?虽然你塞上耳机就可以视频通话,但有时你并不愿意在大街上这么做,更不愿对着它说你好。