The bio-suit will also have a mind of its own. Thanks to recent breakthroughs in smart fabrics, micro-plastic electronics will be woven into the suit itself so that it will be able to sense the wearer's measurements, allowing the suit to mode itself precisely to his or her body.
"Another great use of smart material is for physiological sensing. Smart wires in the suit would tell you your thermal temperature, how much oxygen you have been using."
Dr. Newman believes that in the near future these suits will be available to everyone and that everyone will have reason to wear one.
"I hope that you can go online, buy your bio-suit, do some exploration. I would love to see human mission tomorrow is in 2014, 2018, but absolutely by 2030."
"I believe that going to Mars is within my lifetime and I think we have the means and the technology to take us there, and to survive there."
We're much closer today to be able to send humans to Mars than we were to be able to send man to the moon in 1961, and we were there 8 years later.
And maybe that for human exploration of Mars is a long term task. I think of myself like maybe the architects or bricklayers did who first started building the Cathedrals in Paris. Those who first started never saw the final Cathedrals. But they were an important part of the process that led to that magnificent structure that we see today. Modern sense may be Mars' exploration is like that. And those of us working on it now take comfort in the fact that we're the first part of this longterm process.
As exciting as going to Mars will be, there is one future journey that is even more awe-inspiring, a trip through time.