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  • Its today's TechBytes, General Motors is looking to make driving safer and easier.
  • 欢迎收看今天的TechBytes。通用洗车正在努力使驾驶变得更安全,更便捷。
  • The auto maker is developing technology that turns the entire windshield into a display to assist drivers in difficult conditions.
  • 通用汽车制造商正在研究一种技术,将整个挡风玻璃变成屏幕,以在恶劣环境中有效地辅助驾驶员了解地面状况。
  • The system relies on sensors and cameras inside and outside vehicles to pick up on things that driver might not see,
  • 这种系统依靠车内外的传感器和摄像头将驾驶者可能有的死角一览无遗,
  • for example, when it's foggy, the cameras can identify where the edge of the road is and display that information on the windshield.
  • 例如,大雾时摄像机能够捕捉道路的边缘并在屏幕上显示。
  • GM does not expect this technology to be in cars though for several more years.
  • 通用汽车期望这项发明能在几年后面世。
  • Or you may not realize it, but your cell phone charger draws energy even when your phone is not plugged in.
  • 或许你发现了,只要手机电池不在充电状态就会消耗电量。
  • But AT&T says it has a solution to the problem.
  • 但美国电话电报公司AT&T表示这个问题可以解决。
  • The zero charger automatically shuts down when not in use, so you never have to unplug it. AT&T will begin selling it in May for 30 dollars.
  • 零消耗电池将不在使用状态下的手机电源自动关闭,因此你不用每次动电源了。AT&T表示这种手机电池预计售价30美元。
  • PayPal has a new iPhone app that gives you one more reason to leave your cash and checks at home.
  • 贝宝(全球最大的在线支付平台,PayPal)出品的一款iPhone应用为你节省了不少。
  • The app makes it easy to transfer money between friends to do things like
  • 这款应用使转账更加便捷。
  • split a restaurant bill, to send money to people can simply bump their phones together or users can choose someone from their contact list.
  • 你可以轻松和朋友AA制一顿大餐,汇款给朋友的手机账户,或是直接汇给联系人中的任何一位。
  • Users can also request money or manage their account with the software. The app is free to download.
  • 用户还可以用这款软件要求对方付款或管理账户。这款应用可以免费下载。
  • And finally a new way to go star-gazing without even going outside.
  • 最后一则消息,足不出户也可以观测星迹。
  • Microsoft has added a new feature to Bing maps that allows users to see what the stars look like from any point on earth.
  • 微软在必应地图上添加了新功能,用户在陆地上就可以看到头顶的星群。
  • The application is called the world wide telescope and it gives people a real time view of what's happening in space around the earth.
  • 这款应用被称为“世界天文镜”,它使用户真正了解到世界各地正在发生的事,
  • It also maps out the planets, the solar system and anything not on earth. Users can just pinpoint what they are looking for and fly right to it.
  • 同时它还定位了宇宙中的星体,包括太阳系和一切地球以外的星体。用户只需点击想了解的星球,就能了解它一切了。
  • For information and all these stories log on to the technology page of ABC Its your Techbytes, I'm Jeremy Hubbard.
  • 想了解更多详情,请登录网站ABC。这就是今天的Techbytes,感谢收看,我是Jeremy Hubbard。


Its today's TechBytes, General Motors is looking to make driving safer and easier. The auto maker is developing technology that turns the entire windshield into a display to assist drivers in difficult conditions. The system relies on sensors and cameras inside and outside vehicles to pick up on things that driver might not see, for example, when it's foggy, the cameras can identify where the edge of the road is and display that information on the windshield. GM does not expect this technology to be in cars though for several more years.


Or you may not realize it, but your cell phone charger draws energy even when your phone is not plugged in. But AT&T says it has a solution to the problem. The zero charger automatically shuts down when not in use, so you never have to unplug it. AT&T will begin selling it in May for 30 dollars.


PayPal has a new iPhone app that gives you one more reason to leave your cash and checks at home. The app makes it easy to transfer money between friends to do things like split a restaurant bill, to send money to people can simply bump their phones together or users can choose someone from their contact list. Users can also request money or manage their account with the software. The app is free to download.


And finally a new way to go star-gazing without even going outside. Microsoft has added a new feature to Bing maps that allows users to see what the stars look like from any point on earth. The application is called the world wide telescope and it gives people a real time view of what's happening in space around the earth. It also maps out the planets, the solar system and anything not on earth. Users can just pinpoint what they are looking for and fly right to it.


For information and all these stories log on to the technology page of ABC Its your Techbytes, I'm Jeremy Hubbard.

想了解更多详情,请登录网站ABC。这就是今天的Techbytes,感谢收看,我是Jeremy Hubbard。

plug in 插上电源


重点单词   查看全部解释    
request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

transfer [træns'fə:]


n. 迁移,移动,换车
v. 转移,调转,调任

automatically [.ɔ:tə'mætikəli]


adv. 自动地,机械地

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

assist [ə'sist]


n. 帮助,协助,协助的器械
vt. 帮助,协

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸





