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- Books and Arts; Book Review;
- 文艺;书评;
- The future of Italy;Long life
- 意大利的未来;路还长
- Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future. By Bill Emmott.
- 《兴盛的意大利,衰落的意大利——为什么意大利必须克服困难直面未来》比尔埃默特著。
- Even after the latest euro rescue in Brussels, Italy remains a time bomb.
- 尽管在布鲁塞尔出台了最新欧元救助计划,但是意大利仍然是一个定时炸弹。
- Its public debt of close to 2 trillion ($2.5 trillion) is the world's third biggest, making it too big to bail out.
- 它的公共债务总额多达2万亿欧元(2.5万亿美元),排名世界第三,公债规模如此之大是的很难对其纡困。
- It has lost competitiveness. And its economy is stagnant:
- 自2001年至2012年意大利国内生产总值一直处于萎缩状态,
- between 2001 and 2012 GDP shrank, a worse performance than any other rich country.
- 和任何富裕的国家相比,这种糟糕的表现更反映出了其经济的不景气。
- Fortunately, as Bill Emmott notes in this book, Italy has since last November had a technocratic cabinet
- 就像比尔·埃默特在书里写的那样,幸运的是,自去年十一月马里奥·蒙蒂组建了一届技术型专家内阁,
- led by Mario Monti that is the country's first reforming government in years.
- 且是多年来首届改革型政府。
- Mr Emmott, who was editor-in-chief of this newspaper from 1993 to 2006,
- 从1993年到2006年间埃默特先生一直是一家报纸的总编辑,
- has made Italy one of his specialist subjects, inspired partly by libel battles with Mr Monti's predecessor,Silvio Berlusconi.
- 还成立了意大利专题,个中部分原因是与蒙蒂总理的前任
- His excellent book is an updated English version
- 西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼的流言之斗。
- of one published in Italian in 2010 under the title "Forza, Italia"
- 他的畅销书是一本题为“加油,意大利”
- (a pun on Mr Berlusconi's party and a football slogan, meaning "Go! Italy").
- (一语双关——既指贝卢斯科尼的政党,又指足球口号,意为“加油!意大利”)
- His thesis is better described by the new title: there are in reality two Italys.
- 更新的英文版,其曾在2010年于意大利出版。书的新标题更好地体现了他的主题:事实上有两个意大利。
- This is often said of the north and south.
- 这就是通常所说的北意大利和南意大利。
- Last year's 150th anniversary of Italian unification saw acid remarks about its having divided Africa,
- 去年是纪念意大利统一150周年,一些尖酸刻薄评论表示
- not united Italy. But Mr Emmott's division is not this one.
- 意大利并不是统一,而是分裂了非洲。
- Rather, he finds good and bad all over the country.
- 但是埃默特先生的划分并不是这个,
- On the good side he cites cases such as Mr Monti, young entrepreneurs,
- 相反,他发现整个国家都存在好的方面和坏的方面。在好的一方面,他举出了蒙蒂总理的例子,年轻的企业家们,
- strong manufacturing (Italy is second only to Germany in Europe),
- 强劲的制造业(在欧洲意大利仅次于德国),
- a revitalised Fiat and Turin. On the bad, he offers Mr Berlusconi,
- 复兴的菲亚特和都灵。在坏的一方面,他举出了贝卢斯科尼总理的例子,
- organised crime and corruption, the public sector, red tape and Naples.
- 有组织性的犯罪活动及贪污腐败,公共部门,繁文缛节和那不勒斯。
- His story is supported by lively anecdotes of the people and firms he meets on his travels,
- 他的故事是由其在旅途中遇到的人和企业间生动的奇闻轶事所构成,
- many of them in the course of making a documentary film.
- 许多故事还正制成了纪录片。
- It is refreshing to read so much that is positive about Italy amid the pervasive gloom:
- 在当下弥漫的悲观情绪中,看到这么多关于意大利的正面消息,的确使人振奋:
- the fight against organised crime in the south,
- 与南意大利组织性犯罪的斗争,
- the exporting power of family firms in the north,the impact of Mr Monti's reforms.
- 北意大利家族企业的出口竞争力,蒙蒂总理改革政策的影响。
- The author finds plenty of reasons for hope.
- 作者找到了很多能使人充满希望的理由。
- Yet overall his book seems a touch too optimistic.
- 然而总的来说他的书所持观点似乎有点太过乐观。
- Mr Monti is being as bold as he can, but he has lost popularity,
- 尽管蒙蒂总理雄心勃勃,但是他已经尽失民意,
- some of his reforms have been watered down and his ability to do
- 随着下届春季选举的临近,他的一些改革政策已经被否决,
- things is waning as next spring's election approaches.
- 并且他处理事情的能力也在衰退。
- The anti-mafia movement in Sicily is heartening, but organised crime has spread to the north as well.
- 西西里反黑手党运动虽振奋人心,但组织性犯罪活动同样遍及北意大利。
- Many young Italians are talented and hard-working, but too many deploy their talents abroad rather than at home.
- 许多年轻的意大利人既有天赋又勤奋努力,但是太多人都在国外施展才华而非国内。
- Above all, the deep structural failings of Italy—an inefficient public sector,
- 首先,意大利深层次结构上的不完善——效率低的公共部门,
- a poor demographic outlook, lousy universities,
- 不乐观的人口结构前景,糟糕的高等院校,
- a calamitously slow judicial system—will take years to put right.
- 效率极低的司法体系,将需要数年时间才能恢复秩序。
- The euro crisis has shown the urgent need for reforms, but by stunting growth it has also made them harder.
- 欧元危机已经表明对于改革的迫切需要,但是迟缓的经济使改革更艰难。
- And Italy has few liberals who genuinely believe in reform.
- 意大利的自由党几乎没有真正相信改革的。
- Early on Mr Emmott notes the spooky parallels between now and the early 1990s,
- 早先埃默特先生就注意到20世纪九十年代早期与现在竟是令人毛骨悚然的相似,
- when Italy's economic problems first became apparent.
- 都是意大利经济问题开始显现的时候。
- A promising start then turned into 20 wasted years,
- 一个有前途的开端演变成了荒废的20年,
- largely because of Mr Berlusconi's entry on to the political stage.
- 很大程度上是因为贝卢斯科尼总理执政。
- The media mogul's era may be over (even that is not certain). But new populists are rising up,
- 媒体大亨的时代可能会结束(即使那并不确定)。但是新的平民主义者正在兴起,
- and the next election could be messy. Italy has yet to find its next saviour.
- 并且下一届选举可能会有麻烦。意大利有待找寻下一个救世主。
Books and Arts; Book Review;
The future of Italy;Long life
Good Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future. By Bill Emmott.
Even after the latest euro rescue in Brussels, Italy remains a time bomb. Its public debt of close to
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201207/191509.shtml
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