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有声读物《暮光之城·暮色》第35期:第三章 现象(5)

编辑:Echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then a doctor walked around the corner, and my mouth fell open.
  • 这时拐角来了一个大夫,我不由自主地张开了嘴。
  • He was young, he was blond… and he was handsomer than any movie star I'd ever seen.
  • 大夫很年轻,一头金发……比我见过的任何一个电影明星都要帅。
  • He was pale, though, and tired-looking, with circles under his eyes.
  • 不过,他皮肤苍白,显得很疲惫,眼睛下面有眼圈。
  • From Charlie's description, this had to be Edward's father.
  • 按照查理的描述,这位肯定就是爱德华的父亲了。
  • "So, Miss Swan," Dr. Cullen said in a remarkably appealing voice,
  • "哦,斯旺小姐,"卡伦大夫说,声音极富魅力,
  • "how are you feeling?"
  • "你感觉怎样?"
  • "I'm fine," I said, for the last time, I hoped.
  • "很好,"我说,我希望这是最后一遍了。
  • He walked to the lightboard on the wall over my head, and turned it on.
  • 他走到我头顶上方墙上的灯板前,打开了灯。
  • "Your X-rays look good," he said.
  • "你的X光片看起来很好,"他说,
  • "Does your head hurt?
  • "你的头疼吗?
  • Edward said you hit it pretty hard."
  • 爱德华说你的头撞得不轻。"
  • "It's fine," I repeated with a sigh, throwing a quick scowl toward Edward.
  • "不疼,"我叹了口气答道,朝爱德华迅速地瞪了一眼。
  • The doctor's cool fingers probed lightly along my skull.
  • 大夫凉丝丝的手指在我的脑壳上轻轻地探了一圈。
  • He noticed when I winced.
  • 他注意到我抽搐了一下。
  • "Tender?" he asked.
  • "痛吗?"他问。
  • "Not really." I'd had worse.
  • "不是很痛。"我痛得更厉害了。
  • I heard a chuckle, and looked over to see Edward's patronizing smile.
  • 我听见了一声低笑,循声看去,只见爱德华一脸居功自傲的微笑。
  • My eyes narrowed.
  • 我眯起了眼睛。
  • "Well, your father is in the waiting room — you can go home with him now.
  • "噢,你父亲在候诊室里——你可以跟他回家去了。
  • But come back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all."
  • 但若是出现头晕目弦眩或者任何视力问题务必回医院检查。"
  • "Can't I go back to school?" I asked, imagining Charlie trying to be attentive.
  • "我不能回学校去上课吗?"我问,想象着查理极力表现关心的样子。
  • "Maybe you should take it easy today."
  • "或许今天你应该放松放松。"
  • I glanced at Edward.
  • 我瞥了一眼爱德华。
  • "Does he get to go to school?"
  • "那他可以去上学吗?"
  • "Someone has to spread the good news that we survived," Edward said smugly.
  • "得有人把我们幸免于难的好消息传出去呀,"爱德华得意地说道。
  • "Actually," Dr. Cullen corrected, "most of the school seems to be in the waiting room."
  • "实际上,"卡伦大夫纠正道,"学校的绝大多数人似乎都在候诊室里。"
  • "Oh no," I moaned, covering my face with my hands.
  • "哦,不会吧;"我悲叹道,双手蒙住了脸。
  • Dr. Cullen raised his eyebrows.
  • 卡伦大夫抬了抬眉毛:
  • "Do you want to stay?"
  • "你想留下来吗?"
  • "No, no!" I insisted, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and hopping down quickly.
  • "不,不要!"我坚持道,说着将双腿甩到床边,蹭地一下跳下了地。
  • Too quickly — I staggered, and Dr. Cullen caught me.
  • 跳得太快了——差点儿一个趔趄,幸好卡伦大夫伸手接住了我。
  • He looked concerned.
  • 他看上去很担心。
  • "I'm fine," I assured him again.
  • "我没事儿,"我又跟他保证了一次。
  • No need to tell him my balance problems had nothing to do with hitting my head.
  • 没必要告诉他我重心不稳的问题与撞了头丝毫没关系。
  • "Take some Tylenol for the pain," he suggested as he steadied me.
  • "拿几颗泰诺好止疼,"他一边稳住我一边建议道。
  • "It doesn't hurt that bad," I insisted.
  • "没有疼到那种地步,"我坚持道。
  • "It sounds like you were extremely lucky,"
  • "听上去你极幸运呢,"
  • Dr. Cullen said, smiling as he signed my chart with a flourish.
  • 卡伦大夫一边说,一边笑着在我的表上用花体签了字。
  • "Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me,"
  • "幸亏爱德华碰巧站我旁边,"
  • I amended with a hard glance at the subject of my statement.
  • 我嘴上这样说,眼睛却狠狠地瞅了我说到的那个人一眼,表示我心里并不这样认为。
  • "Oh, well, yes," Dr. Cullen agreed, suddenly occupied with the papers in front of him.
  • "哦,唔,对,"卡伦大夫赞同了我的说法,突然忙着看起前面的报纸来了。
  • Then he looked away, at Tyler, and walked to the next bed.
  • 然后把头扭向泰勒,到下一张病床去了。
  • My intuition flickered; the doctor was in on it.
  • 我的直觉闪了一下:大夫熟悉内情。
  • "I'm afraid that you'll have to stay with us just a little bit longer," he said to Tyler, and began checking his cuts.
  • "你恐怕就得跟我们稍微多袋几天了,"他对泰勒说道,接着就开始检查起他的伤口来了。
  • As soon as the doctor's back was turned, I moved to Edward's side.
  • 大夫的背一转过去,我就挪到了爱德华的身边。
  • "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I hissed under my breath.
  • "我能跟你谈一会儿吗?"我压着嗓子嘘道。
  • He took a step back from me, his jaw suddenly clenched.
  • 他朝后退了一步,下巴突然绷紧了。
  • "Your father is waiting for you," he said through his teeth.
  • "你父亲在等你呢,"他从牙齿缝里挤出了这几个字儿。
  • I glanced at Dr. Cullen and Tyler.
  • 我瞅了卡伦大夫和泰勒一眼。
  • "I'd like to speak with you alone, if you don't mind," I pressed.
  • "我想跟你单独谈谈,如果你不介意的话,"我紧紧地逼着他。
  • He glared, and then turned his back and strode down the long room.
  • 他瞪了我一眼,然后转身顺着狭长的屋子大步走开了。
  • I nearly had to run to keep up.
  • 我几乎得跑着才能跟上去。
  • As soon as we turned the corner into a short hallway, he spun around to face me.
  • 我们一拐进一个很短的过道,他便一个急转身面对着我了。
  • "What do you want?" he asked, sounding annoyed.
  • "你想知道什么?"他问,听上去有点儿火了,
  • His eyes were cold.
  • 目光冷冷的。
  • His unfriendliness intimidated me.
  • 他凶巴巴的样子把我吓坏了。
  • My words came out with less severity than I'd intended.
  • 我言词的激烈程度也打了折扣。


  Then a doctor walked around the corner, and my mouth fell open. He was young, he was blondand he was handsomer than any movie star I'd ever seen. He was pale, though, and tired-looking, with circles under his eyes. From Charlie's description, this had to be Edward's father.


  "So, Miss Swan," Dr. Cullen said in a remarkably appealing voice, "how are you feeling?"


  "I'm fine," I said, for the last time, I hoped.


  He walked to the lightboard on the wall over my head, and turned it on.


  "Your X-rays look good," he said. "Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard."


  "It's fine," I repeated with a sigh, throwing a quick scowl toward Edward.


  The doctor's cool fingers probed lightly along my skull. He noticed when I winced.


  "Tender?" he asked.


  "Not really." I'd had worse.


  I heard a chuckle, and looked over to see Edward's patronizing smile. My eyes narrowed.


  "Well, your father is in the waiting roomyou can go home with him now. But come back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all."


  "Can't I go back to school?" I asked, imagining Charlie trying to be attentive.


  "Maybe you should take it easy today."


  I glanced at Edward. "Does he get to go to school?"


  "Someone has to spread the good news that we survived," Edward said smugly.


  "Actually," Dr. Cullen corrected, "most of the school seems to be in the waiting room."


  "Oh no," I moaned, covering my face with my hands.


  Dr. Cullen raised his eyebrows. "Do you want to stay?"


  "No, no!" I insisted, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and hopping down quickly. Too quicklyI staggered, and Dr. Cullen caught me. He looked concerned.


  "I'm fine," I assured him again. No need to tell him my balance problems had nothing to do with hitting my head.


  "Take some Tylenol for the pain," he suggested as he steadied me.


  "It doesn't hurt that bad," I insisted.


  "It sounds like you were extremely lucky," Dr. Cullen said, smiling as he signed my chart with a flourish.


  "Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me," I amended with a hard glance at the subject of my statement.


  "Oh, well, yes," Dr. Cullen agreed, suddenly occupied with the papers in front of him. Then he looked away, at Tyler, and walked to the next bed. My intuition flickered; the doctor was in on it.


  "I'm afraid that you'll have to stay with us just a little bit longer," he said to Tyler, and began checking his cuts.


  As soon as the doctor's back was turned, I moved to Edward's side.


  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I hissed under my breath. He took a step back from me, his jaw suddenly clenched.


  "Your father is waiting for you," he said through his teeth.


  I glanced at Dr. Cullen and Tyler.


  "I'd like to speak with you alone, if you don't mind," I pressed.


  He glared, and then turned his back and strode down the long room. I nearly had to run to keep up. As soon as we turned the corner into a short hallway, he spun around to face me.


  "What do you want?" he asked, sounding annoyed. His eyes were cold.


  His unfriendliness intimidated me. My words came out with less severity than I'd intended.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

appealing [ə'pi:liŋ]


adj. 引起兴趣的,动人的

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常



adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

scowl [skaul]


n. 愁容,皱眉 v. 皱眉,(天空)变阴沉晦暗

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





