The NRA also claims to be a potent force in elections; it says it defeated 19 of the 24 congressmen who were on its hit-list back in 1994. But a recent article in American Prospect disputes such assertions, arguing that the NRA’s impact is marginal these days because it spreads itself thinly and tends to support Republican incumbents.
全国步枪协会同时声称其是竞选中的强劲力量; 1994年位列其黑名单上的24位议员,其称击败了19位。但最近《美国展望》的一篇文章对此表示怀疑,声称由于全国步枪协会发展缓慢而且趋向于支持共和党导致其影响弱小。
Although the NRA is ostensibly an organisation seeking to protect the civil rights of its 4m members, critics such as the Violence Policy Centre (VPC), a gun-control group, contend that the level of funding from firearms manufacturers makes it, in effect, just a trade association for the gun industry. Some of the NRA’s fund-raising comes directly from gun sales. For example, Sturm, Ruger & Co., firearms manufacturers, donated $1 for each gun they sold last year and thereby collected $1.2m for the NRA’s lobbying arm.
Looking ahead, the NRA’s combative executive vice-president, Wayne LaPierre, says the NRA is “all in” for the fight to defeat Barack Obama. Mr Obama might be supposed to have done little to upset the NRA, having meekly signed legislation that allows guns to be brought into national parks and on to trains. But his quiet first term is, say many at the convention, actually part of a conspiracy to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term.
全国步枪协会激进的执行副总裁Wayne LaPierre先前说,全国步枪协会现在是要破釜沉舟和奥巴马一战。而奥巴马似乎没作出什么惹到它的行为,而且很爽快地批准将枪支带进国家公园和火车的法令。但许多局中人认为,奥巴马前期的平静其实是阴谋的一部分,他致力于在其第二任期内废除宪法第二修正案。
There are signs, though, that the NRA is growing out of touch with modern Americans and even with its own members—who, according to surveys, now tend to support restrictions such as mandatory background checks on buyers of weapons at gun shows. The future does not look bright, either. Despite attempts to attract women, most convention-goers in St Louis were white men over the age of 40—a segment of the population on the decline. The classified sections in NRA magazines such as American Rifleman feature, besides all the weaponry, advertisements for gardening equipment and Viagra.