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  • 3 巫师之家
  • I ran from Malkin Tower, down the hill into Newchurch. James followed me.
  • 我跑出马尔金塔,跑下潘德尔山来到了纽丘奇村。詹姆斯一直跟着我。
  • 'I want to go to Read Hall, too,'he said.
  • “我也想去里德宅院。”他说。
  • We ran through the trees to Sabden Brook. The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears.
  • 我们穿过树林来到了萨卜登小溪。潺潺的流水声在我听来十分悦耳。
  • We went along the river to the village of Sabden, and then it began to rain.
  • 我们沿着河走到了萨卜登村,这时天下起雨来。
  • Suddenly, we heard the noise of horses behind us. We got off the road, and watched the horses.
  • 忽然,从我们身后传来了马蹄声。我们离开大路,看着那些马匹。
  • It was Roger Nowell with some of his men. They saw us, and Mr Nowell stopped.
  • 那是罗杰·诺埃尔和他的手下。他们看到了我们俩,诺埃尔先生停了下来。
  • 'It's the Device children,' he said.' What's your name, child?'
  • “原来是迪瓦斯家的孩子们,”他说。“孩子,你叫什么名字?”
  • 'My name is Jennet,' I said.'We're going to Read Hall. I want to talk to you.'
  • “我叫詹妮特,”我说。“我们要去里德宅院。我想和您谈谈。”
  • Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes.'Very well,'he said.'Come home with me, and we can talk.'
  • 罗杰·诺埃尔用他那双充满热情的棕色眼睛看了看我。“很好,”他说。”跟我一起回家吧,这样我们就可以谈谈了。”
  • He lifted me up on to his horse, and the horse moved quickly along the road to the village of Read. James ran along behind us.
  • 他把我举起来放到他的马上,马于是迅速地沿着大道向里德村行进。詹姆斯一路跑着跟在我们后面。
  • Very soon, we arrived at Read Hall. The servant opened the door for us, and we went into the warm house.
  • 很快,我们到达了里德宅院。先生的用人打开屋门,我们走进了十分暖和的房子。
  • James came in, too, and sat down next to me near the fire.
  • 詹姆斯也进来了,他挨着我坐在炉火边。
  • Mr Nowell put his black hat down on the table.'Bring a hot drink and some food for these children,'he told the servant.' They' re cold and hungry.'
  • 诺埃尔先生把他的黑帽子放在桌子上。“给孩子们拿点热饮和一些吃的来。”他吩咐用人说。“他们又冷又饿。”
  • The servant brought bread and hot milk for us, and James and I ate hungrily. I felt warm and happy in Mr Nowell' s house.
  • 用人给我们拿来了面包和热牛奶,詹姆斯和我大吃起来。在诺埃尔先生家里,我感到既温暖又快乐。
  • I wanted to stay there all my life; I never wanted to go back to Malkin Tower.
  • 我希望一辈子呆在那儿;我再也不想回到马尔金塔去了。
  • When we finished eating, Mr Nowell looked up from his book.'You wanted to talk to me,'he said quietly.' Well, I'm listening.'
  • 我们吃完了饭,诺埃尔先生不再看书,抬起头来。“你有事想对我说,”他轻声说。“好吧,我听着呢。”
  • I got up, went across the room and stood in front of Mr Nowell.' I'm afraid of my mother,'
  • 我站起身,穿过房间,站在诺埃尔先生面前。“我害怕我妈妈,”
  • I began.' I'm afraid be-cause she' s a witch and she can kill people.'
  • 我开始说道。“我害怕,因为她是女巫,她能杀人。”
  • The room was quiet. Mr Nowell said nothing, but his brown eyes were kind.
  • 房间里十分安静。诺埃尔先生什么也没说,但是他的棕色眼睛是友善的。
  • 'My mother and her friends are at Malkin Tower,'I told him.'They want to go to Lancaster Castle and kill the guards.
  • “现在,我妈妈和她的朋友们正聚在马尔金塔,”我告诉他说。“他们想要去兰开斯特城堡杀死看守。
  • They' re going to bring Old Demdike and Alizon home again.'
  • 他们打算把老德姆代克和艾丽森带回家。”
  • Mr Nowell got up and left the room. After some time, he came back with two of his friends. They all sat down at the table.
  • 诺埃尔先生站起身离开了房间。过了一些时候,他和他的两个朋友一起回来了。他们全都在桌前坐了下来。
  • 'Jennet, I want you to tell me again about your mother and her friends.'
  • “詹妮特,我要你再对我说一遍有关你母亲和她朋友的事。”
  • 'They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower,'I said. Then I began to cry.
  • “他们想杀死兰开斯特城堡的看守,然后把老德姆代克带回马尔金塔。”我说。说完,我哭了。
  • 'Den't cry,'Mr Nowell said kindly.'We can help you, but we must talk to your brother first.
  • “别哭,”诺埃尔先生和蔼地说。“我们能帮助你,不过我们必须先和你哥哥谈谈。
  • James!'he called.'Tell me about your mother. Is she a witch? '
  • 詹姆斯!”他喊了一声。“给我讲讲你母亲的事。她是女巫吗?”
  • ' She' s a witch. We're all witches,' James began.' Old Demdike's a witch.
  • “她是女巫。我们都是巫师。”詹姆斯说。“老德姆代克是个女巫。
  • One night, she went to the church at Newchurch and got some teeth from dead bodies there.
  • 一天夜里,她去了纽丘奇村的教堂,从那里的尸体上取下了一些牙齿。
  • The Devil talked to her and she brought the teeth to Malkin Tower. They're under the ground by our door! '
  • 魔鬼和她对了话,随后她把牙齿带回了马尔金塔,它们就在我家大门旁的地下。”
  • ' Old Demdike' s a witch; we know that,' Mr Nowell said.'Tell us about your mother.'
  • “老德姆代克是个女巫,这我们知道,”诺埃尔先生说。“把你母亲的事告诉我们。”
  • 'Mother' s a witch,' James said.' She killed Mr Robinson, from Barley village.
  • “妈妈是女巫,”詹姆斯说。“她杀死了巴利村的鲁滨逊先生。
  • She made a clay picture, and then she broke it, and Mr Robinson died a week later.'
  • 她做了一个泥像,然后把它打碎,一星期后鲁滨逊先生死去了。”
  • James smiled at Mr Nowell. He liked Mr Nowell because Mr Nowell didn't shout at him.'And I'm a witch, too! I can kill people!'
  • 詹姆斯对诺埃尔先生微笑了一下。他喜欢诺埃尔先生,因为诺埃尔先生不冲着他大喊大叫。“还有,我也是个巫师!我能害死人!”
  • 'No, James!' I cried.' You' re not a witch! You don' t kill people!'
  • “不,詹姆斯!”我喊道。“你不是巫师!你不杀人!”
  • ' Yes, I do,'James said angrily. His face went red.' My dog, Dandy, is the Devil and he killed a man for me.
  • “不,我杀人。”詹姆斯生气地说。他的脸红了起来。“我的狗丹迪是魔鬼,它为我杀过一个人。
  • I wanted a shirt and Mr Duckworth was going to give me one of his old shirts.
  • 有一次我想要一件衬衣,达克沃思先生准备把他的一件旧衬衣给我。
  • But in the end, he didn't give it to me and I was very angry. I nearly killed Mr Duckworth!
  • 可是最后他没有给我,我非常生气。我差点儿杀了他!
  • But I called Dandy, and he killed Mr Duckworth for me!'
  • 不过我喊来了丹迪,它为我杀死了达克沃思先生!”
  • I began to cry. My brother was a witch, too! All my family were witches!
  • 我哭了起来。我的哥哥也是个巫师!我的全家都是巫师!
  • 'Don't cry, Jennet,'Mr Nowell said.'Someone must take care of you. You can stay here at Read Hall with me.'
  • “别哭,詹妮特,”诺埃尔先生说。“必须有人照顾你。你可以留在里德宅院,和我在一起。”
  • When Mr Nowell' s men brought my mother to Read Hall, she said nothing at first.
  • 诺埃尔先生手下的人把我妈妈带到了里德宅院,起初她一言不发。
  • 'Tell us about the pictures of clay,'Mr Nowell said.'My men found pictures of clay at Malkin Tower.' My mother said nothing.
  • “把泥塑像的事告诉我们,”诺埃尔先生说。“我手下的人在马尔金塔找到了一些泥塑像。”我妈妈没有作声。
  • 'Your mother, Old Demdike, is a witch. Your daughter is a witch,'Mr Nowell said.
  • “你的母亲老德姆代克是女巫。你的女儿是女巫,”诺埃尔先生说。
  • 'Your son killed Mr Duckworth because of shirt. Now, tell us about the clay pictures.' My mother said nothing.
  • “你的儿子为了一件衬衣杀死了达克沃思先生。现在把泥塑像的事告诉我们。”我妈妈什么也没说。
  • 'James told us about Mr Robinson of Barley,'Mr Nowell said .' Did you kill him? '
  • “詹姆斯对我们讲了巴利村鲁滨逊先生的事,”诺埃尔先生说。“是你杀了他吗?”
  • Suddenly, my mother' s face went red and she began to shout at James.
  • 突然间,我妈妈的脸涨红了,她冲着詹姆斯大喊:
  • 'A good son, you are! You told this rich man about Jack Robinson of Barley. Well, you told the truth. I killed him!
  • “你真是个好儿子!你把巴利村杰克·鲁滨逊的事告诉了这个有钱人。是的,你说的完全属实。是我杀了他!
  • I made a clay picture, and then I broke it, and a week later he died. I killed him because I hated him.'
  • 我做了一个泥像,然后把它打碎,一星期后他就死了。我杀了他是因为我恨他。”
  • She stopped and looked at me . I wanted to run away but Mr Nowell's servant stood in front of the door.
  • 她停下来看着我。我想跑开,可是诺埃尔先生的用人正站在门前。
  • Then my mother laughed.'Jennet Device, witch' s daughter! You hate us, I know that.
  • 妈妈哈哈大笑着说:“詹妮特·迪瓦斯,巫师的女儿!我知道,你恨我们。
  • Well, it doesn't matter because you're right: you are different.
  • 嗯,这没什么,因为你是对的:你是不一样。
  • You're my daughter, but you're not the daugh-ter of my husband. Your father was a rich man, but he never gave me money.
  • 你是我女儿,但你不是我丈夫的女儿。你的父亲是个有钱人,可他从来不给我钱。
  • A witch' s child, he called you. And when you were born, he never came near me ngain. Jack Robinson learnt the truth about your father.
  • 他管你叫巫师的孩子。从你一出生,他就再也没靠近过我。杰克·鲁滨逊得知你亲生父亲的真相后,
  • He told the villagers of Barley and they called me a bad woman, but they didn't call your father a bad man!
  • 便告诉了巴利村的居民们。他们说我是坏女人,却不说你父亲是一个坏男人!
  • Nobody in Barley gave me food again, because of Jack Robinson. I hated him, and so I killed him!'
  • 从那以后,在巴利村,再也没有人给我吃的了,这都是杰克·鲁滨逊造成的。我恨他,所以我杀了他!”
  • The room was very quiet and my mother laughed again.
  • 房间里静悄悄的,我的妈妈又大笑起来。
  • My hands felt cold and my face was hot, but I didn't cry. When Mr Device died, I cried for days. But he was not my fa-ther.
  • 我的手冰凉冰凉,我的脸热辣辣。不过我没有哭。迪瓦斯先生去世时,我哭了好几天。然而他不是我父亲。
  • I looked at my mother, at her dirty hair and her ugly face, at her angry eyes. I hated her then, and I hated her for many years.
  • 我看着妈妈,看着她那肮脏的头发、丑陋的面容和愤怒的双眼。在那一刻,我真恨她,许多年来我一直恨她。



3 巫师之家
I ran from Malkin Towerdown the hill into NewchurchJames followed me
'I want to go to Read Halltoo'he said
We ran through the trees to Sabden BrookThe noise of the river was beautiful in my earsWe went along the river to the village of Sabdenand then it began to rain
Suddenlywe heard the noise of horses behind usWe got off the roadand watched the horsesIt was Roger Nowell with some of his menThey saw usand Mr Nowell stopped
'It' s the Device children' he said' What's your namechild'
'My name is Jennet' I said'We 're going to Read HallI want to talk to you'
Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes'Very well'he said'Come home with meand we can talk'He lifted me up on to his horseand the horse moved quickly along the road to the village of Read
James ran along behind us
Very soonwe arrived at Read HallThe servant opened the door for usand we went into the warm houseJames came intooand sat down next to me near the fire
Mr Nowell put his black hat down on the table'Bring a hot drink and some food for these children'he told the servant' They' re cold and hungry'
The servant brought bread and hot milk for usand James and I ate hungrilyI felt warm and happy in Mr Nowell' s houseI wanted to stay there all my lifeI never wanted to go back to Malkin Tower
When we finished eatingMr Nowell looked up from his book'You wanted to talk to me'he said quietly'WellI'm listening'
I got upwent across the room and stood in front of Mr Nowell' I'm afraid of my mother' I began' I'm afraid be-cause she' s a witch and she can kill people'
The room was quietMr Nowell said nothingbut his brown eyes were kind
'My mother and her friends are at Malkin Tower'I told him'They want to go to Lancaster Castle and kill the guardsThey' re going to bring Old Demdike and Alizon home again'
Mr Nowell got up and left the roomAfter some timehe came back with two of his friendsThey all sat down at the table
'JennetI want you to tell me again about your mother and her friends'
'They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower'I saidThen I began to cry
'Den't cry'Mr Nowell said kindly'We can help youbut we must talk to your brother firstJames'he called'Tell me about your motherIs she a witch'
' She' s a witchWe' re all witches' James began' Old Demdike's a witchOne nightshe went to the church at Newchurch and got some teeth from dead bodies there
The Devil talked to her and she brought the teeth to Malkin TowerThey're under the ground by our door'
' Old Demdike' s a witchwe know that' Mr Nowell said'Tell us about your mother'
'Mother' s a witch' James said' She killed Mr Robinsonfrom Barley villageShe made a clay pictureand then she broke itand Mr Robinson died a week later'
James smiled at Mr NowellHe liked Mr Nowell because Mr Nowell didn' t shout at him'And I'm a witchtooI can kill people'
'NoJames' I cried' You' re not a witchYou don' t kill people'
' YesI do'James said angrilyHis face went red' My dogDandyis the Devil and he killed a man for me
I wanted a shirt and Mr Duckworth was going to give me one of his old shirts
But in the endhe didn' t give it to me and I was very angryI nearly killed Mr DuckworthBut I called Dandyand he killed Mr Duckworth for me'
I began to cryMy brother was a witchtooAll my family were witches
'Don't cryJennet'Mr Nowell said'Someone must take care of youYou can stay here at Read Hall with me'
When Mr Nowell' s men brought my mother to Read Hallshe said nothing at first
'Tell us about the pictures of clay'Mr Nowell said'My men found pictures of clay at Malkin Tower'
My mother said nothing
'Your motherOld Demdikeis a witchYour daughter is a witch'Mr Nowell said'Your son killed Mr Duckworth because of shirtNowtell us about the clay pictures'
My mother said nothing
'James told us about Mr Robinson of Barley'Mr Nowell said' Did you kill him'
Suddenlymy mother' s face went red and she began to shout at James'A good sonyou areYou told this rich man about Jack Robinson of Barley
Wellyou told the truthI killed himI made a clay pictureand then I broke itand a week later he diedI killed him because I hated him'
She stopped and looked at meI wanted to run away but Mr Nowell's servant stood in front of the door
Then my mother laughed'Jennet Devicewitch' s daughterYou hate usI know thatWellit doesn' t matter because you're rightyou are different
You 're my daughterbut you're not the daugh-ter of my husbandYour father was a rich manbut he never gave me money
A witch' s childhe called youAnd when you were bornhe never came near me ngainJack Robinson learnt the truth about your father
He told the villagers of Barley and they called me a bad womanbut they didn 't call your father a bad manNobody in Barley gave me food againbecause of Jack RobinsonI hated himand so I killed him'
The room was very quiet and my mother laughed again
My hands felt cold and my face was hotbut I didn' t cryWhen Mr Device diedI cried for daysBut he was not my fa-ther
I looked at my motherat her dirty hair and her ugly faceat her angry eyesI hated her thenand I hated her for many years

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brook [bruk]


n. 小河,溪
vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句

den [den]


n. 兽穴,洞穴 v. 穴居

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备





