I have a wonderful friend who has become a complete cell phone addict. Last week I gave her a ride to the airport, which I was absolutely happy to do, but it was clearly a favor. All the way there, she ignored me and yakked on her cell phone to her grown children.
I was insulted, but figured if I complained, I would appear jealous of her relationship with her kids, of which she is quite proud. Did I make the right choice? Don't cell phone addicts realize they make the people they are with feel like a dime waiting on a dollar? What can I do? - Cell Free
我被冒犯了,但我不知道是不是心存抱怨,是否会显露出对她和她孩子之间的关系的嫉妒之情——她颇为自豪的就是她和孩子的良好关系。我该怎么做?难道手机控们没有意识到,他们的行为让和他们在一起的人感到备受冷落吗?我该怎么做? ——“一个无手机的人”
People who are overly attached to their phones do not realize how rude they are, and in this instance, your friend may have been showing off a bit. You can tell her that it bothers you to be deliberately ignored and hope she will shape up. Or, you can simply stop whatever you are doing and pointedly but politely wait for her to finish her conversation. If that means parking the car, do it.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201203/175230.shtml