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编辑:Echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Inspector Walsh moved a pencil on the table.
  • 沃尔什探长在桌上摆弄着铅笔。
  • 'Tell me, what happened upstairs? You went to your mother's room?'
  • “告诉我,楼上发生了什么事?你去你母亲的房间了吗?”
  • 'Yes, I did. I wanted to say goodnight to my mother.'
  • “是的,我去了。我想对妈妈道一声晚安。”
  • 'Did you talk about the house again?'
  • “你又谈起了房子?”
  • 'Yes, I did.
  • “是的,我说了。
  • Again, she said no. She loved the house and did not want to sell it.'
  • 她又说不行,她爱这所房子,她不想卖掉它。”
  • Inspector Walsh watched Roger for a minute.
  • 沃尔什探长看了罗杰一会。
  • 'I see. We found the empty bottle of sleeping tablets, Mr Clarkson, in Diane's room.'
  • “明白了。克拉克森先生,在黛安娜的房间里我们发现了安眠药的空瓶。”
  • Roger's face did not change.
  • 罗杰没变脸色。
  • 'Oh? Someone put them there.
  • “哦?有某个人把它们放在那里了。
  • Diane did not kill my mother, I know that. She found the body.'
  • 黛安娜不会杀妈妈,我知道这事,是她发现了尸体。”
  • 'Very well. I would like to see Diane next.'
  • “很好。下一个我想见见黛安娜。”
  • Roger got up and left the room.
  • 罗杰站起来离开了房间。
  • Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hands in his pockets.
  • 沃尔什探长站起来把手放进口袋。
  • He went to the window and looked out at the trees.
  • 他走到窗前看着外边树。
  • Why was Roger Clarkson afraid? Was it important?
  • 为什么罗杰·克拉克森会害怕?这重要吗?
  • He looked at Sergeant Foster.
  • 他看着福斯特警官。
  • 'Tomorrow morning, go to Mr Clarkson's office you have the name,' he said.
  • “明天早上,去克拉克森先生的办公室——你知道他的名字。”他说。
  • 'Ask some questions about him, about his job, friends, money.'
  • “问些有关他的情况,工作、朋友、钱。”
  • Sergeant Foster wrote it down. 'Yes, Inspector.'
  • 福斯特警官记了下来。“好的,探长。”
  • 'A good day for tennis, Sergeant?'
  • “打网球的好天气,警官?”
  • Sergeant Foster laughed. 'Don't say that. It's not easy, you know.
  • 福斯特警官笑道。“别说这个,你知道,这种天气可不容易遇到。
  • I don't like sitting here looking at the sun.'
  • 我不喜欢坐在这儿看太阳。”


Inspector Walsh moved a pencil on the table'Tell mewhat happened upstairsYou went to your mother's room'

'YesI didI wanted to say goodnight to my mother'
'Did you talk about the house again'
'YesI didAgainshe said noShe loved the house and didn't want to sell it'

Inspector Walsh watched Roger for a minute'I seeWe found the empty bottle of sleeping tabletsMr Clarksonin Diane's room'

Roger's face did not change'OhSomeone put them thereDiane did not kill my motherI know thatShe found the body'
'Very wellI would like to see Diane next'
Roger got up and left the room
Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hands in his pocketsHe went to the window and looked out at the treesWhy was Roger Clarkson afraidWas it importantHe looked at Sergeant Foster
'Tomorrow morninggo to Mr Clarkson's office-you have the name'he said'Ask some questions about himabout his jobfriendsmoney'
Sergeant Foster wrote it down'YesInspector'
'A good day for tennisSergeant'
Sergeant Foster laughed'Don't say thatIt's not easyyou knowI don't like sitting here looking at the sun'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
foster ['fɔstə]


vt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等)

sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官





