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  • In this perturbed state of mind, with thoughts that could rest on nothing, she walked on;
  • 她就这样心烦意乱地往前走,真是千头万绪,不知从哪里想起才好。
  • but it would not do; in half a minute the letter was unfolded again, and collecting herself as well as she could, she again began the mortifying perusal of all that related to Wickham, and commanded herself so far as to examine the meaning of every sentence.
  • 可是不到半分钟工夫,她又按捺不住,从信封里抽出信来聚精会神地忍痛读着写述韦翰的那几段,逼着自己去玩味每一句话的意思。
  • The account of his connection with the Pemberley family was exactly what he had related himself; and the kindness of the late Mr. Darcy, though she had not before known its extent, agreed equally well with his own words.
  • 其中讲到韦翰跟彭伯里的关系的那一段,简直和韦翰自己所说的毫无出入;再说到老达西先生生前对他的好处,信上的话也和韦翰自己所说的话完全符合,虽说她并不知道老达西先生究竟对他好到什么地步。
  • So far each recital confirmed the other; but when she came to the will, the difference was great.
  • 到这里为止,双方所述的情况都可以互相印证,但是当她读到遗嘱问题的时候,两个人的话就大不相同了。
  • What Wickham had said of the living was fresh in her memory , and as she recalled his very words, it was impossible not to feel that there was gross duplicity on one side or the other; and, for a few moments, she flattered herself that her wishes did not err.
  • 韦翰说到牧师俸禄的那些话,她还记得清清楚楚;她一想起他那些话,就不免感觉到,他们两个人之间总有一个人说的是假话,于是她一时之间,倒高兴起来了,以为自己这种想法不会有错。
  • But when she read and re-read with the closest attention, the particulars immediately following of Wickham's resigning all pretensions to the living, of his receiving in lieu so considerable a sum as three thousand pounds, again was she forced to hesitate.
  • 接着她又极其仔细地一读再读,读到韦翰借口放弃牧师俸禄从而获得了三千磅一笔款项等等情节的时候,她又不由得犹豫起来。
  • She put down the letter, weighed every circumstance with what she meant to be impartiality--deliberated on the probability of each statement--but with little success.
  • 她放下那封信,把每一个情节不偏不倚地推敲了一下,把信中每一句话都仔仔细细考虑了一下,看看是否真有其事,可是这样做也毫无用处。
  • On both sides it was only assertion.
  • 双方都是各执一辞。
  • Again she read on; but every line proved more clearly that the affair, which she had believed it impossible that any contrivance could so represent as to render Mr. Darcy's conduct in it less than infamous, was capable of a turn which must make him entirely blameless throughout the whole.
  • 她只得再往下读。可是愈读愈糊涂;她本以为这件事任凭达西先生怎样花言巧语,颠倒是非,也丝毫不能减轻他自己的卑鄙无耻,哪里想得到这里面大有文章可做,只要把事情改变一下说法,达西先生就可以把责任推卸得一干二净。
  • The extravagance and general profligacy which he scrupled not to lay at Mr. Wickham's charge, exceedingly shocked her; the more so, as she could bring no proof of its injustice.
  • 骄奢淫逸的罪名加在韦翰先生身上,这使她极其惊骇……何况她又提不出反证,于是就越发惊骇。在韦翰先生参加某某郡的民兵团之前,伊丽莎白根本没有听到过 他这个人。
  • She had never heard of him before his entrance into the ----shire Militia, in which he had engaged at the persuasion of the young man who, on meeting him accidentally in town, had there renewed a slight acquaintance.
  • 至于他所以要参加民兵团,也只是因为偶然在镇上遇见了以前一个泛泛之交的朋友,劝他加入的。
  • Of his former way of life nothing had been known in Hertfordshire but what he told himself.
  • 讲到他以前的为人处世,除了他自己所说的以外,她完全一无所知。
  • As to his real character, had information been in her power, she had never felt a wish of inquiring.
  • 至于他的真正的人品,她即使可以打听得到,也并没有想要去追根究底。
  • His countenance, voice, and manner had established him at once in the possession of every virtue.
  • 他的仪态音容,叫人一眼看去就觉得他身上具备了一切美德。
  • She tried to recollect some instance of goodness, some distinguished trait of integrity or benevolence, that might rescue him from the attacks of Mr. Darcy;
  • 她竭力要想起一两件足以说明他品行优良的事实,想起他一些为人诚实仁爱的特性,使达西先生所指责的诽谤可以不攻自破,
  • or at least, by the predominance of virtue, atone for those casual errors under which she would endeavour to class what Mr. Darcy had described as the idleness and vice of many years' continuance. But no such recollection befriended her.
  • 至少也可以使他的优点遮盖得住他偶然的过失。她所谓他的偶然过失,都是针对达西先生所指责的连年来的懒 惰和恶习而说的,可惜她就想不出他这样的一些好处来。
  • She could see him instantly before her, in every charm of air and address;
  • 达西竟毫不迟疑地把她眨下眼睛就可以看到他出现在她面前,风采翩翩,辞令优雅,
  • but she could remember no more substantial good than the general approbation of the neighbourhood, and the regard which his social powers had gained him in the mess.
  • 但是,除了邻里的赞赏之外,除了他用交际手腕在伙伴之间赢得的敬慕之外,她可想不起他有什么更具体的优点。
  • After pausing on this point a considerable while, she once more continued to read.
  • 她思考了好一会儿以后,又继续读信。
  • But, alas!
  • 可是天哪!
  • the story which followed, of his designs on Miss Darcy, received some confirmation from what had passed between Colonel Fitzwilliam and herself only the morning before;
  • 接下去就读到他对达西小姐的企图,这只要想一想昨天上午她跟费茨威廉上校的谈话,不就是可以证实了吗?
  • and at last she was referred for the truth of every particular to Colonel Fitzwilliam himself--from whom she had previously received the information of his near concern in all his cousin's affairs, and whose character she had no reason to question.
  • 信上最后要她把每一个细节都问问费茨威廉上校本人,问问他是否真有其事。以前她就曾经听费茨威廉上校亲自说起过,他对他表兄达西的一切事情都极其熟悉,同时她也没有理由去怀疑费茨威廉的人格。
  • At one time she had almost resolved on applying to him, but the idea was checked by the awkwardness of the application, and at length wholly banished by the conviction that Mr. Darcy would never have hazarded such a proposal, if he had not been well assured of his cousin's corroboration.
  • 她一度几乎下定了决心要去问他,但是问起这件事不免又要有多少别扭,想到这里,她便把这个主意暂时搁了下来。后来她又想到,如果达西拿不准他表弟的话会和他自己完全一致,那他决不会冒冒失失提出这样一个建议,于是她就干脆打消了这个主意。


In thisperturbedstate of mind, with thoughts that could rest on nothing, she walked on; but it would not do; in half a minute the letter was unfolded again, and collecting herself as well as she could, she again began the mortifying perusal of all that related to Wickham, and commanded herself so far as to examine the meaning of every sentence. The account of his connection with the Pemberley family was exactly what he had related himself; and the kindness of the late Mr. Darcy, though she had not before known its extent, agreed equally well with his own words. So far each recital confirmed the other; but when she came to the will, the difference was great. What Wickham had said of the living was freshin her memory, and as she recalled his very words, it was impossible not to feel that there was gross duplicity on one side or the other; and, for a few moments, she flattered herself that her wishes did not err.

But when she read and re-read with the closest attention, the particulars immediately following of Wickham's resigning all pretensions to the living, of his receiving in lieu so considerable a sum as three thousand pounds, again was she forced to hesitate. She put down the letter, weighed every circumstance with what she meant to be impartiality--deliberated on the probability of each statement--but with little success. On both sides it was only assertion. Again she read on; but every line proved more clearly that the affair, which she had believed it impossible that any contrivance could so represent as to render Mr. Darcy's conduct in it less than infamous,was capable ofa turn which must make him entirely blameless throughout the whole.
The extravagance and generalprofligacy which he scrupled not to lay at Mr. Wickham's charge, exceedingly shocked her; the more so, as she could bring no proof of its injustice. She had neverheard ofhim before his entrance into the ----shire Militia, in which he had engaged at the persuasion of the young man who, on meeting him accidentally in town, had there renewed a slight acquaintance. Of his former way of life nothing had been known in Hertfordshire but what he told himself. As to his real character, had information been in her power, she had never felt a wish of inquiring. His countenance, voice, and manner had established him at once in the possession of every virtue. She tried to recollect some instance of goodness, some distinguished trait of integrity or benevolence, that might rescue him from the attacks of Mr. Darcy; or at least, by the predominance of virtue, atone for those casual errors under which she would endeavour to class what Mr. Darcy had described as the idleness and vice of many years' continuance. But no such recollection befriended her.
骄奢淫逸的罪名加在韦翰先生身上,这使她极其惊骇……何况她又提不出反证,于是就越发惊骇。在韦翰先生参加某某郡的民兵团之前,伊丽莎白根本没有听到过 他这个人。至于他所以要参加民兵团,也只是因为偶然在镇上遇见了以前一个泛泛之交的朋友,劝他加入的。讲到他以前的为人处世,除了他自己所说的以外,她完全一无所知。至于他的真正的人品,她即使可以打听得到,也并没有想要去追根究底。他的仪态音容,叫人一眼看去就觉得他身上具备了一切美德。她竭力要想起一两件足以说明他品行优良的事实,想起他一些为人诚实仁爱的特性,使达西先生所指责的诽谤可以不攻自破,至少也可以使他的优点遮盖得住他偶然的过失。她所谓他的偶然过失,都是针对达西先生所指责的连年来的懒 惰和恶习而说的,可惜她就想不出他这样的一些好处来。
She could see him instantly before her, in every charm of air and address; but she could remember no more substantial good than the general approbation of the neighbourhood, and the regard which his social powers had gained him in the mess. After pausing on this point a considerable while, she once more continued to read. But, alas! the story which followed, of his designs on Miss Darcy, received some confirmation from what had passed between Colonel Fitzwilliam and herself only the morning before; and at last she was referred for the truth of every particular to Colonel Fitzwilliam himself--from whom she had previously received the information of his near concern in all his cousin's affairs, and whose character she had no reason to question. At one time she had almost resolved on applying to him, but the idea was checked by the awkwardness of the application, andat lengthwholly banished by the conviction that Mr. Darcy would never have hazarded such a proposal, if he had not been well assured of his cousin's corroboration.
达西竟毫不迟疑地把她眨下眼睛就可以看到他出现在她面前,风采翩翩,辞令优雅,但是,除了邻里的赞赏之外,除了他用交际手腕在伙伴之间赢得的敬慕之外,她可想不起他有什么更具体的优点。她思考了好一会儿以后,又继续读信。 可是天哪!接下去就读到他对达西小姐的企图,这只要想一想昨天上午她跟费茨威廉上校的谈话,不就是可以证实了吗?信上最后要她把每一个细节都问问费茨威廉上校本人,问问他是否真有其事。以前她就曾经听费茨威廉上校亲自说起过,他对他表兄达西的一切事情都极其熟悉,同时她也没有理由去怀疑费茨威廉的人格。她一度几乎下定了决心要去问他,但是问起这件事不免又要有多少别扭,想到这里,她便把这个主意暂时搁了下来。后来她又想到,如果达西拿不准他表弟的话会和他自己完全一致,那他决不会冒冒失失提出这样一个建议,于是她就干脆打消了这个主意。 one’s memory在某人记忆中What he said was engraved in my memory 他的讲话在我记忆中留下了深刻印象。 capable of能够……Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。

3.hear of 听说We're sorry to hear of your father's death. 我们获悉令尊去世,非常难过。 length最后I arrived at that city at length. 我最终到达了那个城市。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

continuance [kən'tinjuəns]


n. 继续的期间,停留,持续,[律]延期审理

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解

trait [treit]


n. 特点,特征,特性,一笔,少量

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns]


n. 环境,(复数)境况,事件,详情

substantial [səb'stænʃəl]


adj. 实质的,可观的,大量的,坚固的

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

extravagance [iks'trævigəns]


n. 奢侈,浪费,放肆的言行





