But they can't migrant to greener pastures until the last of the youngest has been winged. So Mother has become stingy and edgy. Waiting for the migration ahead, she tones oily secretions over every bit of her fly equipment. A bat's wings are essentially enormous webbed hands. It longed to single bones providing the straps to unfold and manipulate the flight membranes.
As dusk settles, the migration begins. The little reds wings spreading 3 feet tip to tip, blacken the skies with their departure. Tonight, they have to travel many miles with their newly winged young. And inexperience on the wing would prove deadly.
Parenting is risky business. Migrants around the world will risk everything for the next generation. But before you can breed, you must earn the right. And in Africa, one species is ready for battle.
词语解释: 1. pasture n. 草地 2. secretion n. 分泌物