Step 1: A warm up jog 热身小跑
You can begin your warm-up with a gentle ten to fifteen minute jog around the court.
This will warm and loosen the muscles before you begin stretching.
You can try variations on your jogging skipping side to side across the court…or touching down at the sidelines.
Just keep moving until your whole body feels warm and you're ready to stretch.
Step 2: Stretch your legs 拉伸腿
For the first leg stretch, place your feet shoulder width apart and, keeping your legs straight, gently drop your hands towards the ground in front of you. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
TIP: Relax your arms and breathe as you stretch.
Now place your hands on your lower right leg and then on your lower left leg. This stretches the muscles in your upper thigh. Just take each stretch to the point where you feel tension and hold for 10 or 15 seconds.
Tip: Stretch gently. Never hold a stretch if it hurts.
Next we're going to stretch the inner thighs. With one leg bent, extend the other sideways until you can feel the tension in your groin. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and then repeat with the other leg.
To stretch your hamstrings, simply step forward with one leg and push the other out behind you. Try to keep your upper body straight. Then repeat the stretch with your other leg.
TIP: Go forward, as low as you can, without experiencing any pain.
Now we're going to stretch the quads. Just stand on one leg and gather your foot in your hand. Gently pull it back behind you, stretching the muscle at the front of your leg, by easing your toes towards your buttock.
Repeat with the other leg.
Step 3: Stretch your arms and hands 伸展胳膊和手
Start by grabbing your right elbow with your left hand above your head. Now slowly pull your elbow to the left. You should feel the stretch in your triceps and the sides of your body. Hold for 10-15 seconds and repeat with the other arm. TIP: keep your upper body straight.
Next we are going to stretch the wrists. Hold you right arm at shoulder height. With no bend in the elbow. Use your left hand to gently pull your right wrist back. Hold for 10-15s and repeat for anther hand.