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影视听力 第15期:Juno朱诺

时间:2009-09-18 10:25:06 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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高中生朱诺(艾莲·佩奇 Ellen Page饰)大大咧咧,是个可爱的精灵鬼,正经历着青春期到成人的蜕变。这一天她突然做出决定:要和帅气的田径队员布里克(迈克尔·塞拉 Michael Cera饰)共尝禁果。朱诺这次可闯了大祸,她一不留心竟然珠胎暗结,接下来的麻烦可想而知。



Juno is a new film directed by Jason Reitman from the screenplay by first-timer Diablo Cody.

It tells a story of Juno MacGuff, a suburban teenager who finds herself pregnant after a brief encounter with her nerdy kind of boyfriend named Bleeker, played by Michael Cera.

Juno is played by Ellen Page, a 20-year-old Canadian actress who is really one of the breakouts of this year.

And this is a very funny, very smart, very clever and very warm comedy. Diablo Cody's script is very sharply written, sometimes a little bit too impressed with its own cleverness and stuffing a few too many bon mots in the mouths of its characters.

But the characters themselves are so well drawn and so well imagined and well played not only by Ellen Page and Michael Cera, but also by J. K. Simmons as Juno's dad, Allison Janney as her stepmother, Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner as the yuppie couple who become the perspective adoptive parents of Juno's baby.

Now this movie has some things in common with Knocked Up, Judd Apatow's comedy hit of earlier in the year, but in a way it's also a kind of a smart girl's or a feminist answer to that movie, which was about male sexual anxiety. This movie insists that girls are smart and funny and also make mistakes and have trouble grappling with the demands of growing up.

But Ellen Page's performance is really extraordinary. This girl Juno is smart, sardonic, cynical, sensitive.

All of these complicated feelings and emotions and responses wrapped up in this compact but ever-growing package. This movie's gotten a lot of attention as it's made its way toward theatres on the festival circuit, there's a lot of Oscar talk. I think it may be in danger of becoming a little bit overrated, but it is a wonderfully satisfying clever sharp comedy, well worth seeking.

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