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影视听力 第12期:The Golden Door金色大门

时间:2009-09-15 10:36:16 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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1913年,在一个荒凉的小岛上,西西里当地居民过着平静安逸的生活,一代代人在这片土地辛勤劳动、繁衍生息。而这一切都被一个突然到来的美国人打破了。这位镶着金牙的美国人到处游说着西西里的人们,说外面的世界是那么的繁华,在那里,人们是生活在天堂里,到处都是黄金,人人都是富翁。外面的世界的土豆有火车车厢那么大,胡萝卜像船那么长,树上结的都是金币,像树叶一样大批的飘落下来。不仅如此,这个 “外来客”还拿出照片向这里人们证明他荒谬的话,还说他现在的任务就是陪伴那些离开了西西里,已经在繁华的世界中享受生活的人们。曼库索家族(西西里的居民之一)中的一位成员已经离开西西里到繁华世界去了,全家都在等他的消息,而这位美国人带来了他的消息。为了成为繁华新世界的公民,西西里的人们必须放弃现有的生活状态才能获得重生。他们要放弃自己的信念信仰,放弃这片家园,要把自身训练得强壮,要学会服从,只有成功地从“原始人”变为“现代人”,这样,才能穿越通往繁华新世界的金色大门。必须经过几周时间在海洋中艰苦的穿行,才能到达“眼泪岛”和“爱丽丝岛”——对他们进行最终考验的地方。新世界的守门人负责对他们进行逐项考验,他们的身心都要达“现在人”的要求。在这个通向天堂,但却像地狱的地方,许多家庭都要进行选择,并不是每个人都能进入这个大门,而有些人,却是命运注定要通过黄金大门……  



The Golden Door is a new film from the Italian director Emanuele Crialese. It tells the story of a group of Sicilian peasants leaving their homeland and making the arduous crossing across the Atlantic to Ellis Island. This is a familiar story. It’s been told before on the film and it is a part of the family histories of an awful lot of Americans. But what makes this film unusual and special is that it doesn’t only show the physical passage from one place, Sicily, to another ,America. But a kind of time travel, these people are really leaving the Middle Ages and setting sail for the modern world.

The main character Salvator Mancuso played by a wonderful Italian actor named Vicento Amato, on his way to the boat, he meets an Englishwoman named Lucy, played by Charlotte Gainsbourg who is a strange bird indeed in the setting, she is wearing very fine clothes, she has upright bearing, she speaks perfect English, we never know what she is doing in steerage with the rest of these immigrants on their way to the New World.

The director has a remarkable eye, and he tells the story through a series of striking tableaux that really make you feel the strangeness, the fear, the disorientation, the excitement, all of the experiences that these people must have had in what feels like such a long ago time that wasn’t really that long ago at all.


Tableau plural Tableaux [countable]
1. a group of people shown in a work of art
2. a group of people arranged on stage like a picture
3. something you see that looks like a picture, especially a group of people who are not moving or speaking
Tableau vivant ( plural : tableaux vivants) is French for "living picture."

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