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影视听力 第13期:冰封的梦想

时间:2009-09-14 10:45:10 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Are you listening? I'm leaving. I'm not gonna work for you anymore.
What are you gonna do?
I wanna be a good wife to you.
She is my fiancée.
Are you really engaged to my boy?
Hey, I'm Barbara.
Linda Miller?
Millar, ar.

They wonder the $3 million policy.
Of course, I'm the sole beneficiary of that.

I love this.
I'm fascinated by human beings.
Teach me about the human mind.
Tell me about guilt, rage, murder.
Tell me about Barbara Hoffman.

I have right to know what's going on?
Must I have a worse story?
You remember Harry? Shaved head, boxer shorts, face looks like being sledge hammered.
They needed to kill this guy for some reason, and needed to pin it on somebody.
You should get a warrant for the girlfriend's apartment.
You think I killed Harry for his life insurance and house.

Why is that guy turning down the music? You wear a microphone or something?
There is no microphone.

They're both killed with cyanide?
Why would somebody get cyanide?
That's why [we] do use them in medifield chemistry.
Why didn't you see that originally?

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下一篇:古典:Sarah Brightman - There for me


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