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影视听力 第8期:Prince Caspian 纳尔尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子

时间:2009-09-09 10:47:41 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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出品:迪士尼 发行:中影 华夏


在另一个世界,彼得(威廉·莫斯里)、苏珊(安娜·帕波维尔 )、埃蒙德(斯堪德·凯恩斯)和露西(乔基·亨莉)四人已成为伦敦街头的普通学生。可是号角的吹响,让他们再次感到纳尼亚的呼唤。1300年后,受制于台尔马人的纳尼亚,正等待国王和女王的拯救。


The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian directed by Andrew Adamson is the second movie in the Narnia series that follows the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ,and it brings back those children, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan who are kings and queens in Narnia ,but just ordinary kids in wartime London.

Hundreds of years have gone by in Narnia time, just a year in London time, and a couple of years in the Hollywood time , but this time the kids are swept back into that magic land to defend the Narnian underground from the Telmarines, a nasty race of humans led by a dictator played by the wonderful Italian actor Sergio Castelitto.

In a bit of a Shakespearean twist ,this usurping king has dispatched his brother, the rightful ruler ,and he is trying to kill Prince Caspian, the heir to the throne.

Prince Caspian is played by Ben Barnes.

Prince Caspian?

And who are you?


High King Peter.

I believe you called.

Now this movie is similar in a lot of ways to the first one as you'd expected, it's a little more violent, it's more really of a war movie than a fantasy and there isn't quite as much cuteness and magic and Turkish Delight as there was in the first one. Although there're some fine moments of humor especially courtesy of Peter Dinklage who has specialized in playing angry dwarves in a lot of movies set in present day real world and who has a good time playing an angry dwarf with blond hair extensions in this one.

Drop him!That's the best you can come up with.

What I actually like to bet this movie was how beautifully it was shot in the real world sequences, how it had a real texture and a feel until you felt like in these early points before you re-encounter the talking animals and all of the magic, you really feel like you're in this world and that it's a very real and very beautiful and very interesting world. And it sustains that interest for most of the movie, so I sense it's a slight improvement, I like the first one, I like this one, I don't think either one of them is a great or ground-breaking movie, but the Narnia series seems to be chugging along quite well, and it'll gratify both children who have read the book and children who may be introduced to it by this movie

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