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影视听力 第6期:Changeling换子疑云

时间:2009-09-07 10:36:53 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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1928年美国洛杉矶,在电话局接线台工作的克莉斯汀•柯林斯(Angelina Jolie 安吉莉娜•朱丽 饰)独自抚养儿子沃特(Gattlin Griffith 加特林•格里菲斯 饰),母子的生活简单而幸福。然而她们的生活很快被打乱,某天当克莉斯汀下班后,发现儿子不见踪影。
在公众的舆论压力下,腐败的洛杉矶警方于5个月后找回沃特,但克莉斯汀发现这并非自己的亲生儿子。她三番五次要求警方澄清事实,帮其寻找真正的沃特,却一次次受到阻挠和指责,甚至以妨碍警方公务的罪名被送入精神病院。一向以揭露警方暴行为己任的牧师古斯塔夫•布里格拉伯(John Malkovich 约翰•马尔科维奇 饰),为了这个可怜女人的不幸遭遇奔走呼告。
另一方面,探员莱斯特(Michael Kelly 饰)在侦办一件偷渡案时,无意中发现了一起重大的连环儿童杀人案。少年沃特的失踪案似乎渐露眉目…… 



"My name is Christine Collins. On March 10th, my nine-year-old son Walter Collins disappeared. The five-month investigation led to a boy being brought to Los Angeles from Dekalb Illinois. The LAPD told me and all of you that this boy was my son. He was not my son."

"Is this Mrs. Christine Collins?" "Yes." "I'm the pastor over at Saint Paul’s Presbyterian.

I have made it my mission in life to bring to light all the things the LAPD wish none of us ever knew about.”

"This police department does not tolerate dissent, and you are in a position to embarrass them and they do not like it."

"I just want my son home."

"Why are you doing this, Mrs Collins?"

"You'll stop looking for my son!"

"Why should we be looking for someone we've already found?"("That is your responsibility!")

"The mayor wants this to go away."

"You know..."

"I can't do this."

"You are a conveyed prisoner to the Los Angeles County General Hospital Psychopathic Ward."

"By signing this, it certified the police were right in sending you here for observation and absolves them all responsibilities."

"I won’t sign that!”


"No. "

"What the hell have you done with Christine Collins?"

"I know my son is out there. I can still feel him."

"Your son unfortunately was not living first, but if you do it right, he may very well be the last."

"Your handling of Christine Collins' case has exposed this department to public ridicule."

"If the boy you brought back is not Walter Collins, then where the hell is he?"

"I want my son back! I want my son back!"

相关热词搜索: 影视听力

上一篇:音乐分享:柔软的男声The Opportunity Fair

下一篇:音乐分享:抒情Look What You've Done


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好莱坞电影中无数男女主角的深情一吻成为经典,近来女人之间的恋情逐渐受到重视,影视剧中那些令人印象深刻的女子之间的接吻也成了经典一幕:Kisses of numerous hero and

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