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英伦广角British Vision(132):英国经济时隔16年再陷衰退

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  • The skilled worker on the Alen brothers... …are busy.
  • But only after 40 of the 250 staff may be redundant when orders for their// windows and doors began to slow.
  • I am very pleased to say that 20 all of those people were able to find alternative employment elsewhere,
  • but nevertheless the world is excessively harder than it is. .
  • Small businesses like this around frontline, is the economy gets hammered.
  • Yes, …been seen concern for the future, and I think moment job is safe for the minute, but who knows for the future.
  • I am a single dad with two kids, so like the think, my job is safe.
  • I have been here for 21 year through like I say who knows … I got a laid off later one from here … but I am gonna laid off.
  • And it was a devastating thing because I wouldn't be able to … two kids to bring up
  • Today, official configures confirmed were everybody had feared,
  • the economy had shrunk in the last quarter are not only that by an unexpectedly point five of percent more than twice the predicated drop.
  • we are determined to do everything we can and as soon as we can to help people who is to lose their jobs ,
  • so they can get back to work and the businesses getting into difficulty we do our level best to help them
  • The country still is not in officially recession, It will take a second quarter of negative growth for that could be confirmed.
  • After that figure some in the city nothing that economy will continue to slow well into next year,
  • and then remain flat and then maybe just maybe some green shoots of recovery in the spring of 2010,
  • one thing is for certain it will be a long whole Most the economy is in its worst state for eighteen years sparking demands for a serious policy response.
  • I think the bank of England will cut interest rate sharply,
  • I think they will cut interest rate at least two percents
  • but if I was there I would actually argue that rate should be down to one percent by next summer
  • The leader of the Conservative Party says the government should have been better prepared.
  • We've ten years been told no more booming- bust, ten years of government no putting aside money for a rainy day,
  • well that rainy day has now come. We will get though this but we need change.
  • There is concerned that output has shrunk so significantly so early on in the downturn.
  • How long the slump will last and how deep it will be is a question for the future.
  • Now the earness is on the bank of England since inflation is yesterday story,
  • today's question/s is how quickly can it get the cost of borrowing down and how quickly will it work. 


Britain Heads For A Recession

For the first time in 16 years, Britain's economy is heading for a recession. All on the day that the FTSE has fallen again, the DOW has plunged and the pound suffered its worst drop against the dollar since Black Wednesday. Sky's Michael Wilson reports.

The skilled worker on the Alen brothers... …are busy. But only after 40 of the 250 staff may be redundant when orders for their// windows and doors began to slow. I am very pleased to say that 20 all of those people were able to find alternative employment elsewhere, but nevertheless the world is excessively harder than it is. . Small businesses like this around frontline, is the economy gets hammered. Yes, …been seen concern for the future, and I think moment job is safe for the minute, but who knows for the future. I am a single dad with two kids, so like the think, my job is safe. I have been here for 21 year through like I say who knowsI got a laid off later one from herebut I am gonna laid off. And it was a devastating thing because I wouldnt be able totwo kids to bring up Today,

official configures confirmed were everybody had feared, the economy had shrunk in the last quarter are not only that by an unexpectedly point five of percent more than twice the predicated drop. we are determined to do everything we can and as soon as we can to help people who is to lose their jobs ,so they can get back to work and the businesses getting into difficulty we do our level best to help them

The country still is not in officially recession, It will take a second quarter of negative growth for that could be confirmed. After that figure some in the city nothing that economy will continue to slow well into next year, and then remain flat and then maybe just maybe some green shoots of recovery in the spring of 2010, one thing is for certain it will be a long whole Most the economy is in its worst state for eighteen years sparking demands for a serious policy response.

I think the bank of England will cut interest rate sharply, I think they will cut interest rate at least two percents but if I was there I would actually argue that rate should be down to one percent by next summer

The leader of the Conservative Party says the government should have been better prepared.

Weve ten years been told no more booming- bust, ten years of government no putting aside money for a rainy day, well that rainy day has now come. We will get though this but we need change.

There is concerned that output has shrunk so significantly so early on in the downturn. How long the slump will last and how deep it will be is a question for the future. Now the earness is on the bank of England since inflation is yesterday story, today's question/s is how quickly can it get the cost of borrowing down and how quickly will it work.


16年来,英国经济首次陷入衰退。 在黑色星期三,FTSE 再次下跌,道琼斯指数大幅跳水,英镑相对美元再次疲软。Sky新闻Michael Wilson报道。




我认为英格兰银行会大幅降低利率,我认为至少会降低2%。但是如果我是英格兰银行官员的话,我会降的更多 ,到明年夏天会将利率下调到1%。




重点单词   查看全部解释    
redundant [ri'dʌndənt]


adj. 多余的,失业的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

conservative [kən'sə:vətiv]


adj. 保守的,守旧的
n. 保守派(党),

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

unexpectedly ['ʌnik'spektidli]


adv. 未料到地,意外地

confirmed [kən'fə:md]


adj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗





