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英伦广角British Vision(124):音乐与性格

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  • Listen carefully to this selection of music, because whether the cheese or chalk/ gets you moving,
  • it says as much about your personality as your musical taste, not necessarily though in the way you might think.
  • By rights, you would expect Joe Fylan to spend the evenings turns up to classical music.
  • Chances are though he's out playing heavy metal or a rock which isn't that unusual according to a new study.
  • Classical music listeners are used to listening to good performances.
  • If, if you're hearing, oh, that's it over there. Um, so people are listening for the excellence in performance,
  • in metal it's definitely the same, you know, you get these, go like "wow" know, "rock"...oh, oh,
  • that kind of stuff...when the guitarist go...that kind of stuff is...
  • And I think that's ...that's possibly why might get some of the same listeners.
  • And it's their personality that seems to bring classical and metal fans together,
  • both at ease with themselves and introverted, although metalheads do tend to be work-shy as well.
  • As for indie fans, they typically have low self-esteem and are lazy,
  • unlike their rap counterparts who have high self-esteem and tend to be outgoing.
  • And one of the interesting aspects to our findings was that basically the more you earn,
  • so the more likely you are to enjoy a kind of really punchy, quite dynamic music.
  • In contrast, it's the lower earners amongst our sample of people who tended to like much more calm and much more relaxing music.
  • So Dozard's study holds wit.
  • Well, I think the researchers have also been camped outside my house for the last couple of weeks coz' that's meat down to a tee.
  • Every night, I retreat to my lonely bedsit, and sit and do some life doing.
  • So I think there is much more to you than what music today. I don't think, no...
  • Kellen Jellars, I think, probably, that's sound, Kellen Jellars, I think.
  • I hope I am anyway, so in that respect, I don't have a fully support on hardworking. If my boss is watching, yes I'm, very hardworking.
  • It may not be an exact science, but it will please those prone to stereotyping, theatrical opera lovers, lazy indie kids, it's not prejudice.
  • It's science. Orla Chennaoui, Sky News.


How Music Reflects Your Personality

If you thought heavy metal fans were aggressive and blues fans were depressive -you couldn't be more wrong. A survey has found that our taste in music is a direct reflection on our personalities -with suprising results. Sky's Orla Chennaoui reports.

Listen carefully to this selection of music, because whether the cheese or chalk/ gets you moving, it says as much about your personality as your musical taste, not necessarily though in the way you might think. By rights, you would expect Joe Fylan to spend the evenings turns up to classical music. Chances are though he's out playing heavy metal or a rock which isn't that unusual according to a new study.

Classical music listeners are used to listening to good performances. If, if you're hearing, oh, that's it over there. Um, so people are listening for the excellence in performance, in metal its definitely the same, you know, you get these, go like "wow" know, "rock"...oh, oh, that kind of stuff...when the guitarist go...that kind of stuff is... And I think that's ...that's possibly why might get some of the same listeners.

And it's their personality that seems to bring classical and metal fans together, both at ease with themselves and introverted, although metalheads do tend to be work-shy as well. As for indie fans, they typically have low self-esteem and are lazy, unlike their rap counterparts who have high self-esteem and tend to be outgoing.

And one of the interesting aspects to our findings was that basically the more you earn, so the more likely you are to enjoy a kind of really punchy, quite dynamic music. In contrast, its the lower earners amongst our sample of people who tended to like much more calm and much more relaxing music.

So Dozard's study holds wit.

Well, I think the researchers have also been camped outside my house for the last couple of weeks cozthats meat down to a tee. Every night, I retreat to my lonely bedsit, and sit and do some life doing.

So I think there is much more to you than what music today. I don't think, no...

Kellen Jellars, I think, probably, that's sound, Kellen Jellars, I think. I hope I am anyway, so in that respect, I dont have a fully support on hardworking. If my boss is watching, yes Im, very hardworking.

It may not be an exact science, but it will please those prone to stereotyping, theatrical opera lovers, lazy indie kids, it's not prejudice. It's science. Orla Chennaoui, Sky News.


如果你认为重金属音乐喜好者攻击性比较强,蓝调音乐迷比较忧郁——那么你就大错特错了。最近一项调查显示我们对音乐的偏好能直接反映我们的性格——但是结果出人意料。Sky栏目记者Orla Chennaoui报道。

认真听一下这段音乐选段,因为无论是奶酪还是粉笔都不仅说明了你对音乐的口味,还体现了你的性格,而不一定是你所认为的方式。按理说,你认为Joe Fylan 晚上会听古典音乐。但是他偶尔也会听重金属音乐或者摇滚音乐。根据一项新的调查结果,这没有什么奇怪的。







Kellen Jellars,我认为可能是Kellen Jellars。无论如何,我认为我不完全赞成努力工作。当然,如果老板在监视的话,我会非常努力工作的。

或许这并不是太准确的科学,但是可以取悦那些喜欢陈词滥调的人,那些歌剧喜好者,慵懒的 indie 迷。这并不是偏见,而是科学。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

prejudice ['predʒudis]


n. 偏见,伤害
vt. 使 ... 存偏见,

prone [prəun]


adj. 俯卧的,易于 ... 的,有 ... 倾向的

theatrical [θi'ætrikəl]


adj. 剧场的,夸张的

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

aggressive [ə'gresiv]


adj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的

retreat [ri'tri:t]


n. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居
v. 撤退,向后倾

outgoing ['aut.gəuiŋ]


adj. 喜欢外出的,离开的,外向的 n. 外出,开支,

contrast ['kɔntræst,kən'træst]


n. 差别,对比,对照物
v. 对比,成对照<





