JOE:What's that statistic? I remember reading it years ago. If you look at what the human body is made of,
the materials are woth about 17 cents.
RICHARD:It must be more now.We must be worth at least a couple of bucks.
JOE:Well,think about it.We're mostly water and some protein,right?
Then there must be a mineral or two.
RICHARD:Sure.There are minerals:some iron,some copper.But not much.
JOE:So you've got some water and a couple of piles of...
MARIE:Joe.We're eating.Could you pick a topic that is a little more appropriate.
RICHARD:Uh oh.We're being censored.
NANCY:Some topics are better than others over dinner,honey.
JOE:Fine.Are there any other topics we should avoid?
JOE:All the good stuff.
NANCY:Come on Joe.
MARIE:Forget it,Nancy.Some people have no imagination.
NANCY:We can have a very nice conversation about something else.
RICHARD:Like what?
MARIE:Flower arranging.
NANCY:Modern dance.
MARIE:How about knitting? RICHARD:Please,please.We're eating!
JOE:I lost my appetite.
JUSTNE:Would you mind if I cheated off you on the biology test?
BETH:Get a life.
JUSTINE:I'm going to flunk it.I hate this DNA stuff.Who cares?
BETH:You're not going to flunk anything.
We covered that whole section and you know it all.
JUSTINE:You're lucky.You understand science.
You get it right away.
BETH:Excuse me.Who is the language expert?Who gets me through Spanish?
JUSTINE:That's easy.This is hard.
JUSTINE:It's not fair.Just because colleges have these stupid requirements,
we have to take subjects that we hate.
Everybody knows they have to take four years of English, three years of math,four years of...
BETH:Jus.There isn't anyone who loves every subject.
I really do want to study,OK?
JUSTINE:I talked to somebody you know last night.
JUSTINE:Stuart Bonnett.
JUSTINE:But I know you want to study.We can discuss it some other time.
BETH:Where did you see him,Justine?
JUSTINE:At my brother's basketball game.He knows I know you.
BETH:What did you say? Because I will kill you if you said anything.
JUSTINE:You know,I,I think we should review Chapter 14.