To ALL of US—men and women, boys and girls—a holiday is a time when we drop our everyday work. We leave the office, the factory, and the schoolroom, and enjoy ourselves in play. Often we have a fine dinner, or a picnic in the woods. Our grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins may come to visit us, or we may go to visit them. Holidays are happy times for us all.
But we really should spend a little time each holiday thinking of what the day means. Why are people all over our land celebrating it? Something must have happened on that day of the year—something that meant a great deal to all of us.

In the life of every nation there have happened events that meant great things to the people. In a time of great danger or need, a wise and strong man may have risen to lead the nation in its time of trouble. His birthday is a day that the people of his country want never to forget. Perhaps on a certain day a nation won its freedom after long years of struggle and suffering. Surely the people want to keep that day fresh in their memories.
So, in order that we may not forget, and in order that we may show our happiness and thankfulness for the things that have been done for us, holidays have been set aside. See if you can find out from these stories the true meaning of each holiday.