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英国原版语文第六册 >
- In front of the Pyramid of Chephrenes stands the great Sphinx,
- 考夫拉金字塔的前面矗立着狮身人面像,
- —the hugest marvel of sculpture which the world has ever seen.
- 它是世界上迄今为止最大的雕塑奇迹。
- For centuries this colossal wonder lay almost sub merged beneath the sand-drift of the desert.
- 几个世纪以来,这个巨大的奇迹几乎淹没在沙漠的流沙之下,
- Caviglia undertook the laborious task of uncovering it;
- 而卡维利亚承担了挖掘它的艰巨任务,
- in the course of which he made some important discoveries,
- 在挖掘过程中他有了一些重要的发现,
- tending to show that there was anciently a temple on the area beneath the stony gaze
- 这些发现表明,这尊巨大的石像下有一座古老的庙宇,
- of the colossal countenance, and an altar upon which sacrifices were offered.
- 还有一处祭坛,上面有用来祭祀的祭品,
- The features are Nubian, or rather ancient Egyptian, and their expression is strikingly calm and benignant.
- 从特征上来看他们是努比亚人,或者更确切地说是古埃及人,他们的表情极其的平静祥和。
- "There was something," says Stanley, "stupendous in the sight of
- 斯坦利说:在它那巨头的视线内有一个巨大的东西,
- that enormous head—its vast projecting wig, its great ears, its open eyes,
- 它那巨大的脑袋,它那巨大的耳朵,它那睁开的眼睛,
- the red colour still visible on its cheeks, the immense projection of the lower part of its face.
- 脸颊上还有可见的绯红,还有下半脸那巨大的投影。
- Yet what must it have been when on its head there was the royal helmet of Egypt, on its chin the royal beard;
- 它的头上戴着埃及王室的头盔,下巴上留有皇室特有的胡须,
- when the stone pavement by which man approached the Pyramids ran up between its paws;
- 人们进入金字塔所走的石道设在它的爪子之间,
- when immediately under its breast an altar stood, from which the smoke went up
- 紧接着它的胸部下面是一处祭坛,烟从祭坛升起
- into the gigantic nostrils of that nose, now vanished from the face, never to be conceived again!
- 进入它那巨大的鼻孔里,之后从脸上消失,失去了所有的设想。
- All this is known with certainty from the remains which actually exist deep
- 从深埋于沙子之下的遗迹中我们能肯定地知道,
- under the sand on which you stand, as you look up from a distance into the broken
- 就像你从远处抬头看向那破碎但仍富有表现力的特征。”
- but still expressive features."—In regard to the Sphinx we may add, that so continuous
- 关于狮身人面像还有一点,沙漠里沙子的流动
- is the drift of sand from the desert, that nearly all those portions of the figure
- 是永不间歇的,当今的研究人员在不同时期
- which modern investigators have at different times laid bare have been again covered.
- 挖掘出来的几乎所有的部分都已再次被掩埋。
In front of the Pyramid of Chephrenes stands the great Sphinx, —the hugest marvel of sculpture which the world has ever seen. For centuries this colossal wonder lay almost sub merged beneath the sand-drift of the desert. Caviglia undertook the laborious task of uncovering it; in the course of which he made some important discoveries, tending to show that there was anciently a temple on the area beneath the stony gaze of the colossal countenance, and an altar upon which sacrifices were offered. The features are Nubian, or rather ancient Egyptian, and their expression is strikingly calm and benignant.

"There was something," says Stanley, "stupendous in the sight of that enormous head—its vast projecting wig, its great ears, its open eyes, the red colour still visible on its cheeks, the immense projection of the lower part of its face. Yet what must it have been when on its head there was the royal helmet of Egypt, on its chin the royal beard; when the stone pavement by which man approached the Pyramids ran up between its paws; when immediately under its breast an altar stood, from which the smoke went up into the gigantic nostrils of that nose, now vanished from the face, never to be conceived again! All this is known with certainty from the remains which actually exist deep under the sand on which you stand, as you look up from a distance into the broken but still expressive features."—In regard to the Sphinx we may add, that so continuous is the drift of sand from the desert, that nearly all those portions of the figure which modern investigators have at different times laid bare have been again covered.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/xiaoxue/202007/613990.shtml