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美国小学英语教材5:第350课 阿里巴巴与四十大盗(13)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Captain of the thieves, who had taken the name of Houssam, soon succeeded in making friends with the son of Ali Baba, who was young and good-natured.
  • 强盗头目化名为胡萨姆,很快就成功地和阿里巴巴年轻善良的儿子交上了朋友。
  • He often invited the youth to sup with him, and made him rich gifts.
  • 他经常邀请这个年轻人一起吃饭,并送给他丰厚的礼物。
  • When Ali Baba heard of it, he resolved to make a return for this kindness to Houssam, little thinking that the pretended merchant was really the Captain of the thieves.
  • 当阿里巴巴听说这件事,决心要回报胡萨姆的好意,他根本没有想到那个假扮的商人真的是强盗头目。
  • So one day he asked Houssam to do him the honor of supping and spending the evening at his house.
  • 于是有一天,他邀请胡萨姆赏光在家里吃饭和过夜。
  • "Sir,"replied the merchant, "I am grateful for your kindness, but I must beg you to excuse me, and for a reason which I am sure you will think sufficient.
  • “先生,”商人回答道,“我很感激你的好意,但我必须请求你原谅我,我相信你会觉得我的理由很充分。
  • It is this: I never eat of any dish that has salt in it. Judge, then, how uncomfortable I should be at your table."
  • 我的理由是:我不吃里面放盐的菜。那么可以判断我吃饭的时候会多不舒服。”
  • "If this be your only reason," replied Ali Baba, "it need not prevent your coming to supper with me.
  • 阿里巴巴回答道,“如果这是你唯一的理由,那它不会成为你来我家用餐的阻碍的。
  • The bread which is eaten in my house does not contain salt; and as for the meat and other dishes, I promise you there shall be none in those which are served to you."
  • 我家吃的面包不放盐;至于肉和其他菜,我保证给你吃的我不会放盐。”
  • So Ali Baba went into the kitchen, and desired Morgiana not to put any salt in the meat she was going to serve for supper, and also to prepare two or three dishes of those that he had ordered, without any salt.
  • 所以阿里巴巴走进了厨房,要求莫吉安娜不要在她晚餐准备的肉中放盐,并且准备两三道他点的菜,不放盐。
  • Morgiana obeyed, though much against her will; and she felt some curiosity to see this man who did not eat salt.
  • 尽管违背自己的意愿,莫吉安娜还是服从了;她对这个不吃肉的男人感到好奇。
  • When she had finished, and Abdalla had prepared the table, she helped him in carrying the dishes.
  • 当她做完饭,阿卜杜拉准备好了桌子,她帮他端盘子。
  • On looking at Houssam, she instantly recognized the Captain of the robbers, in spite of his disguise.
  • 她一看到胡萨姆,尽管他做了伪装,她立刻认出了这个强盗头目。
  • Looking at him more closely, she saw that he had a dagger hidden under his dress.
  • 她更加仔细地看着他,发现他衣服下面藏着一把匕首。
  • "I am no longer surprised," said she to herself,"that this villain will not eat salt with my master; he is his enemy, and means to murder him! But I will prevent the villain !"
  • “我再也不惊讶了,”她自言自语地说,“这个恶棍不会和我的主人一起吃盐了,他是他的敌人,想杀了他!但我会阻止那个恶棍!”


The Captain of the thieves, who had taken the name of Houssam, soon succeeded in making friends with the son of Ali Baba, who was young and good-natured. He often invited the youth to sup with him, and made him rich gifts.

When Ali Baba heard of it, he resolved to make a return for this kindness to Houssam, little thinking that the pretended merchant was really the Captain of the thieves. So one day he asked Houssam to do him the honor of supping and spending the evening at his house. “Sir,”replied the merchant, “I am grateful for your kindness, but I must beg you to excuse me, and for a reason which I am sure you will think sufficient. It is this: I never eat of any dish that has salt in it. Judge, then, how uncomfortable I should be at your table.”


If this be your only reason,” replied Ali Baba, “it need not prevent your coming to supper with me. The bread which is eaten in my house does not contain salt; and as for the meat and other dishes, I promise you there shall be none in those which are served to you.”

So Ali Baba went into the kitchen, and desired Morgiana not to put any salt in the meat she was going to serve for supper, and also to prepare two or three dishes of those that he had ordered, without any salt.
Morgiana obeyed, though much against her will; and she felt some curiosity to see this man who did not eat salt. When she had finished, and Abdalla had prepared the table, she helped him in carrying the dishes. On looking at Houssam, she instantly recognized the Captain of the robbers, in spite of his disguise. Looking at him more closely, she saw that he had a dagger hidden under his dress. "I am no longer surprised,” said she to herself,“that this villain will not eat salt with my master; he is his enemy, and means to murder him! But I will prevent the villain !”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

merchant ['mə:tʃənt]


n. 商人,店主,专家
adj. 商业的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

dagger ['dægə]


n. 短剑,匕首

disguise [dis'gaiz]


n. 假面目,伪装物,假装
vt. 假装,假扮

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

contain [kən'tein]


vt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制
vi. 自制

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心





