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英国语文第六册(MP3+中英字幕) 第107期:温带地区(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Turning now to the vegetable kingdom, we find the cornplants—the plants
  • 现在来到植物王国,植物王国里
  • which are best adapted for the food of civilized man—scattered profusely over the Temperate Zone.
  • 最适合人类食用的植物是大量地分布在温带地区的“玉米”。
  • It is only when man has settled down in a fixed abode, —when he has abandoned
  • 只有当一个人放弃游牧生活在某地安定下来,
  • his nomadic life and become an agriculturist, attaching himself
  • 成为一名专业的农业户并依附于
  • to a certain locality, that it is possible for him to rear corn.
  • 一个特定的地方,这时他才有可能会去种植玉米。
  • Corn is not self-sustaining, self-diffusing, like the wild grass.
  • 玉米不像野草那样可以自给自足、自我繁殖。
  • Self-sown, it gradually dwindles away, and finally disappears.
  • 自我播种只会造成数量逐渐减少,直到最后彻底消失。
  • "It can only be reared permanently by being sown by man's own hand, and in ground which man's own hand has tilled."
  • 所以,玉米只能通过人类的双手、在人类亲手耕种的土地上进行种植。
  • Corn, therefore, a great German botanist has said, precedes all civilization.
  • 一位伟大的德国植物学家曾经说过:玉米先于一切文明。
  • With it are connected rest, peace, and domestic happiness, of which the wandering savage knows nothing.
  • 与之息息相关的是流浪的野蛮人无法体会的修养、安宁和家庭幸福。
  • In order to rear it, nations must take possession of certain lands;
  • 因为种植玉米国家必须占有一定面积的土地,
  • and when their existence is thus firmly established, improvements in manners
  • 当他们在这片土地上执掌大权之时便会去改善礼仪
  • and customs speedily follow. They are no longer inclined for bloody wars,
  • 和风俗。他们的战争将不再是为了杀戮,
  • but fight only to defend the fields from which they derive their support.
  • 而是为了保卫那片自己赖以生存的土地。
  • Corn is the food most convenient and most suitable for man in a social state.
  • 玉米是人类生活中最方便、最适合食用的食物。
  • It is only by the careful cultivation of it that a country becomes capable of
  • 一个国家只有经过精心的培育才有能力
  • permanently supporting a dense population. All other kinds of food are precarious,
  • 持续供养其稠密的人口。而其它种类的食物都易变质,
  • and cannot be stored up for any length of time: roots and fruits are soon exhausted;
  • 进而不易储存,其根茎和果实会很快枯萎,
  • the produce of the chase is uncertain, and if hard pressed ceases to yield a supply.
  • 所以努力不一定会有收获,一旦遇到问题,供给就会停止。
  • In some countries the pith of the sago-palm, the fruit of the bread-fruit tree,
  • 在一些国家,山艾树的枝干、面包树上的果实、
  • the root of the esculent fern, and similar food, supplied spontaneously by nature,
  • 蕨类植物的根、还有类似的食物,都是大自然
  • serve to maintain a thinly scattered and easily satisfied population;
  • 为了维持那些稀疏并且容易满足的人类自发供应的。
  • but man in these rude circumstances is invariably found depraved in body and in mind,
  • 而那些生活在恶劣的环境下的人们常常会身心堕落,
  • and hopelessly incapable of bettering his condition. But the cultivation of corn,
  • 对自己无法改变处境无能为力。不过,种植玉米
  • while it furnishes him with a supply of food for the greater part of the year, imposes upon him
  • 虽然为他们提供了一年里所需的大部分食物,却也同时在他们身上
  • certain labours and restraints which have a most beneficial influence upon his character and habits.
  • 施加了一定的劳动和限制,这对他们性格和习惯的养成有着极为有利的影响。


Turning now to the vegetable kingdom, we find the cornplantsthe plants which are best adapted for the food of civilized manscattered profusely over the Temperate Zone. It is only when man has settled down in a fixed abode, —when he has abandoned his nomadic life and become an agriculturist, attaching himself to a certain locality, —that it is possible for him to rear corn. Corn is not self-sustaining, self-diffusing, like the wild grass. Self-sown, it gradually dwindles away, and finally disappears. "It can only be reared permanently by being sown by man's own hand, and in ground which man's own hand has tilled."

Corn, therefore, a great German botanist has said, precedes all civilization. With it are connected rest, peace, and domestic happiness, of which the wandering savage knows nothing. In order to rear it, nations must take possession of certain lands; and when their existence is thus firmly established, improvements in manners and customs speedily follow. They are no longer inclined for bloody wars, but fight only to defend the fields from which they derive their support.


Corn is the food most convenient and most suitable for man in a social state. It is only by the careful cultivation of it that a country becomes capable of permanently supporting a dense population. All other kinds of food are precarious, and cannot be stored up for any length of time: roots and fruits are soon exhausted; the produce of the chase is uncertain, and if hard pressed ceases to yield a supply. In some countries the pith of the sago-palm, the fruit of the bread-fruit tree, the root of the esculent fern, and similar food, supplied spontaneously by nature, serve to maintain a thinly scattered and easily satisfied population; but man in these rude circumstances is invariably found depraved in body and in mind, and hopelessly incapable of bettering his condition. But the cultivation of corn, while it furnishes him with a supply of food for the greater part of the year, imposes upon him certain labours and restraints which have a most beneficial influence upon his character and habits.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
cultivation [.kʌlti'veiʃən]


n. 教化,培养,耕作

fern [fə:n]


n. 羊齿植物,蕨

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

yield [ji:ld]


n. 生产量,投资收益
v. 生产,屈服,投降

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

incapable [in'keipəbl]


adj. 无能力的,不胜任的

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

depraved [di'preivd]


adj. 堕落的;腐化的;卑鄙的 v. 使腐化(depr

nomadic [nəu'mædik]


adj. 游牧的,游牧民族的,流浪的





