Ali Baba knocked at the door, which was opened to him by Morgiana, who was a very clever slave-girl. “Morgiana,” said he, “the first thing I have to ask you is to keep a deep secret! This packet contains the body of your master, and we must bury him as if he had died a natural death. Let me speak to your mistress, and listen to what I say to her.”
Morgiana called her mistress, and Ali Baba then told her all that had happened before his arrival with the body of Cassim. “Sister,” added he, “here is a great sorrow for you, but we must bury my brother as if he had died a natural death. And then my wife and I shall be glad to offer you and your slave a shelter under our own roof.”

Cassim’s widow decided that she could not do better than consent. She therefore wiped away her tears and thereby showed Ali Baba that she accepted his offer of a home.
Ali Baba left her in this frame of mind, and Morgiana went out with him to a shop where drugs were sold. She knocked at the door, and when it was opened, asked for a certain kind of tablet often used in dangerous illness. The drug-seller gave her the medicine, asking who was ill in her master’s family. “Ah!” exclaimed she with a deep sigh, “it is my worthy master, Cassim himself. He can neither speak nor eat!”
Meanwhile, as Ali Baba and his wife were seen going backward and forward to the house of Cassim in the course of the day, no one was surprised on hearing in the evening the cries of his widow and Morgiana, announcing his death.
And so the body of Cassim was prepared for its burial, which took place the next day, attended by Ali Baba and Morgiana. As for his widow, she remained at Ali Baba’s home to weep with her neighbors, who, according to the usual custom, called at the house during the burial, and joining their cries to hers, filled the air with sounds of woe. Thus the manner of Cassim’s death was so well hidden that no one in the city knew anything about it.