To us, in America, the term Christmas tree means a number of different trees.
The kind of Christmas tree you think of depends upon where you live, for we use firs, spruces, cedars, even magnolia. On the Pacific Coast white fir is used;
in Ohio, Norway spruce; in Maryland and Virginia, the scrub pine; and farther south, cedar and holly. Hemlock, too, is a beautiful Christmas tree,
but drops its needles very soon. Perhaps most widely loved of all for Christmas trees is the balsam fir, with its long horizontal branches,

its deep green foliage, and spicy fragrance. Nikko fir, a beautiful native tree of Japan, has recently found favor in this country.
The question is often asked if this Christmas tree custom does not waste the forests.
Foresters reply that the Christmas trees used by every person in the land could be grown on a few thousand acres,
and that their use has practically no effect on the present drain on our forests. Growing trees for the holidays is becoming an important industry.
The government in recent years has been selling Christmas trees thinned out from crowded forests of timber,
thus leaving the remaining trees with more room and light. After all, so far as our wood supply is concerned,
it would be more important to stop using toothpicks than Christmas trees,
for each year six times as much area is cut over by the toothpick industry as for Christmas trees.