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美国小学英语教材5:第77课 邓肯的鸟房客(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • At last, on the first of May, a bright warm morning, he leaped from his bed at the sound of strange, sweet bird voices outside.
  • 最后,在五月一日,一个阳光明媚、温暖宜人的早晨,听到外面鸟儿奇怪而甜美的叫声,他从床上跳了起来。
  • At last, on the first of May, a bright warm morning, he leaped from his bed at the sound of strange, sweet bird voices outside.
  • 最后,在五月一日,一个阳光明媚、温暖宜人的早晨,听到外面鸟儿奇怪而甜美的叫声,他从床上跳了起来。
  • There they were, the longed-for purple martins, sailing gracefully around the bird house, singing as they sailed.
  • 他们就在那里,渴望已久的紫燕,优雅地绕着鸟屋航行,一边航行一边唱歌。
  • There they were, the longed-for purple martins, sailing gracefully around the bird house, singing as they sailed.
  • 他们就在那里,渴望已久的紫燕,优雅地绕着鸟屋航行,一边航行一边唱歌。
  • They examined the little dwelling inside and out, and a small colony of them, five pairs, decided to nest in it.
  • 他们仔细检查了这个小房子的里里外外,有一小群,五对,决定在里面筑巢。
  • They examined the little dwelling inside and out, and a small colony of them, five pairs, decided to nest in it.
  • 他们仔细检查了这个小房子的里里外外,有一小群,五对,决定在里面筑巢。
  • Duncan had scored a triumph.
  • 邓肯取得了胜利。
  • Duncan had scored a triumph.
  • 邓肯取得了胜利。
  • The purple martin, largest and noblest of American swallows, after an absence of many years, had come back to Meriden.
  • 美国燕子中最大、最高贵的紫燕,在消失多年之后,又回到了梅里登。
  • The purple martin, largest and noblest of American swallows, after an absence of many years, had come back to Meriden.
  • 美国燕子中最大、最高贵的紫燕,在消失多年之后,又回到了梅里登。


At last, on the first of May, a bright warm morning, he leaped from his bed at the sound of strange, sweet bird voices outside. There they were, the longed-for purple martins, sailing gracefully around the bird house, singing as they sailed. They examined the little dwelling inside and out, and a small colony of them, five pairs, decided to nest in it. Duncan had scored a triumph. The purple martin, largest and noblest of American swallows, after an absence of many years, had come back to Meriden.


purple martin.jpg

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dwelling ['dweliŋ]


n. 住处

colony ['kɔləni]


n. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落



adv. 优雅地;温文地

triumph ['traiəmf]


n. 凯旋,欢欣
vi. 得胜,成功,庆功





