One evening the families stopped for the night quite early, because they had found a good spring of water. It was Jonathan's fifth birthday, and he was happy over a whistle which one of the men had made for him from the leg-bone of an antelope.
It was still daylight when the travelers stopped, and the little boy took his whistle and went off by himself.
He walked such a long way that when he turned to go back, he could not see the camp or hear any voices. But he knew that the wagons could not be far away; so he kept walking.

By and by the sun dropped out of sight, and it began to grow dark, but still there was no camp to be seen. The five-year-old boy was tired and hungry, and he began to grow frightened. So he sat down in a little hollow place in the prairie and cried; but no one came for no one heard him. And then, after what seemed to him a long time, it began to be light again. The great round moon was peeping over the edge of the hollow in which he sat.
Something else was peeping over the edge of the hollow, something that looked like old Shep. The little boy called to him, "come, Shep! Nice doggy! Nice old Shep!" But the animal did not come. Instead, it stood up, looked at Jonathan and backed away. The little boy stood up, too, and started to run toward it. The strange dog did not wait as Shep would have done; he turned and slipped away. In a few minutes he was back again, sitting where he had sat before. A little one side of him sat another animal just like him.