As the summer passed, the cubs grew bigger and stronger every day. They did nothing but eat, and yet the fishes, bugs, nuts, and berries were not enough for them.
Mother Bruin saw that her children were always hungry. "How thin you are!" she cried. "You cannot sleep through a whole winter with no more fat than you have now, my children. You must eat meat, then you will grow fat enough to sleep all winter without eating."
So she went toward the village until she came to a large pasture.
There she killed a fine black horse, which she draged into the forest. She and her cubs feasted on the fresh meat until they had all they wanted. Then they crept far into the dark woods and lay down for a quiet sleep.

From this time on, each day brought new trouble to the village. Bee-hives were robbed; one farmer lost a cow, another a horse. The Bruin family became very very fat. As for Mishook, he was as round as a log.
At last autumn came, and the mother bear made a large, new den. In October, the whole family slept in it most of the time.
Once in a while the mother went out to hunt for food. Then she would say to her children, "Don't go far away, my dears; the snow may fall at any moment, and we must not leave tracks in the snow. Men will find us and kill us if we do"
Soon the north wind began to blow, rain fell often, and the mornings became colder.
The birds had long ago flown away to a warmer country. By this time, the bears had grown very sleepy. Now Mother Bruin would not let her cubs eat much, but she told them to drink all the water they wanted.
One day, when they were all in the cave, she said: "It is time to take a long rest, children. We are not going out again until springtime. Mishook and his little sister must lie down in the back of the den, and the older cubs in front of them. I will stretch myself near the opening."
Mother Bruin then closed the mouth of the cave with brushwood, and the bears fell asleep.
The den was soon covered deep with snow. Not again until spring would Mishook and his family leave the warm cave.