第四十九课 斑马
The zebra is the most beautiful of all the animals of the ass tribe. Its home is in Africa.
Its skin is smooth as velvet. Its body is marked all over with black stripes, which extend down to its very feet.
It is found chiefly in hilly districts, which it loves better than the plains.

It is a very timid creature, fleeing to its mountain home when alarmed by the sight of any strange object.
Travellers say that troops of beautiful striped zebras may often be seen in Africa drinking at springs of water.
They go to the springs generally between sunset and sunrise.
There they are followed by the lion, who often steals upon them before they are aware of their danger.
The moment the zebras know of the presence of their terrible foe, they flee in the wildest terror to the hills, or across the plain.
It is said that the lion will not go to the springs when the moon shines brightly, as then he would easily be seen.
He loves the darkness; for then the beautiful zebra more readily becomes his prey.
It has been found impossible to tame this beautiful creature. The zebra cannot be made to work like the horse or the ass.
It has been made for a life of freedom—to gallop about among the hills and the wild desert plains of Africa.
To what tribe of animals does the zebra belong? What marks has it on its skin? Where is it chiefly found? When do the zebras go to the springs? What animal follows them there? What do the zebras do when they know of his approach? When does the lion not go to the springs? Why? What great difference is there between the zebra and the horse or the ass?