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朗文新派小学英语课文(MP3+文本)第五册 Unit3

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Unit 3 In the U.S.A.

2.Read about these places.

New York City is the biggest city in the United States.

It is near the Atlantic Ocean.

About 71/2 million people live in New York City.

The tallest building in New York is the World Trade Center.

It has two towers.

Disney World is in Orlando,Florida.

It is the most popular amusement park in the world.

Millions of people visit it every year.

People can go on rides,and they can see Mickey Mouse,

Donald Duck,and Snow White.

Washington,D.C.,is the capital of the United States.

Some of the most important people from countries

all over the world visit the White House.

It's the home of the president of the United States.

The Grand Canyon inn Arizona is the largest canyon in the world.

At its widest point,it is 13 miles(21 kilmeters)across.

The Colorado River flows through the canyon.

Some people think that the Grand Canyon

is the most beautiful place in the country.

Howllywood is the movie capital fo the United States.

It is near Los Angeles.It is southwest of the Grand Canyon.

Some of the most famous movie stars in the world live and work in Hollywood.

Yellowstone National Park is the largest national park in the United States.

It has forests,mountains,geysers,and wild animals.

Many people like to camp in the park.

They think it's the best place to hike.


What does your fortune say.?

It says,"You are going to take a trip very soon."

what's yours?

Mine says,"You're going to see a lot of places."

What does Mom's fortune say?

Her says,"You are going to have a greattime soon."

How about Dad's?

His says,"You need to take a lot of money with you."

Do wee need to pack our suitcases?

6.Listen.Draw lines on the map.

9.Listen and say the chant.

Where are you going to go in vacation?Where are you going to go?

We're going to go to the States on vacation,That's where we're going to go.

How are you going go go,we ask you,How are you going to go?

We're going go fly by plane,we tell you,We're going to fly by plane.

EAST TO WEST by Maria Fonda

1.I love New York City.I like the East.

We always lived there.Then my father got a new job.

It was in Arizona,where the Grand Canyon is.Out West!

Hollywood,in California,is all right.

You can see beautiful movie stars there.

Washington, all right.It's the capital of the United States.

You can see famous people like the president there.

But what can you see in Arizona?Cows!Horses!I didn't want to move!

2.But my father said we had to go.

He got our tickets.Then we packed our suitcases.

In a short time,we were in our seats on the plane,flying west.

It was a long trip,miles and miles.

My-father slept in his seat,next to mine.Mine was next to the window.

I saw rivers and mountains and forests with about a million trees.

I wiggled my toes in my new cowboy boots.

I wanted to have friends.I wanted to be popular in my new school.

3.The houses on our new street were all brown.

"That one is ours,"my father said.

The yard was wide and sandy.There was a big cactus.

I didn't see any cows.I did see a girl.

"Hello,"she said."I'm Jan.Do you want to go have some fun?"

"I can't ride a horse,"I told her.She just looked at me.

"I want to go to the mall.We don't ride horses there!"she said.

"And why are you wearing cowboy clothes?

Most people don't wear them here."I liked her!

4.Do you know what I saw at the mall?A cow!But it wasn't real. It was in the window of the ice-cream store.

We had one just like it in New York.

Do you know what?I think I'm going to like Arizona!
重点单词   查看全部解释    
amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]


n. 娱乐,消遣

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊

cow [kau]


n. 母牛,母兽
vt. 恐吓

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

sandy ['sændi]


adj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

canyon ['kænjən]


n. 峡谷


关键字: 朗文 新派 课文 音频




