UNTI 15 Let's Go Further.
Story Time.
1 Look and listen.Then read and act out the story.
I'm hungry.Let's have breakfast.
But it's twelve thirty.It's time for lunch.
What time do you usually have breakfast?
At twelve thirty.
What about lunch?
At seven in the evening.
What a strange time to have lunch!
We usually have dinner at seven in the evening.
We have dinner at seven in th morning.Everything is different here.
What do you have for breakfast?
Look,here it is.
What a breakfast!
Additional Words
Look at the pictures and learn the words.
All of them can tell us the time.
a.m.0;00 to 12:00.
p.m.13:00 to 24:00.
a wristwatch.
a pocket watch.
an alarm clock.
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