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疑犯追踪第四季 >
- The famous Mr. Egret. It seems you materialized out of nowhere. Now you are everywhere.
- 大名鼎鼎的白鹭先生似乎你是从天而降突然间无处不在啊
- How is that? I'm a very private person. Yes.
- 怎么做到的我很注重隐私好吧
- I am as well. You're lucky you know my friend, Jerry. We don't trust outsiders.
- 我也是你很幸运认识我朋友 杰瑞我们不信任外人
- 150000Would you like to count it? Mr. Egret and I are certain the money's all there.
- 十五万要数一下吗白鹭先生和我相信钱都在里面
- No, I can't do this. - Harold - I'm sorry. This missile is no longer for sale.
- 不行 我做不到#NAME?这枚导弹不卖了
- I thought you were a man of your word, Mr. Egret. Not if it involves selling a rocket launcher to the mob. Any mob.
- 我还当你是守信用的人 白鹭先生我不能把火箭发射器卖给黑帮任何黑帮
- That happens to be a line I'm not willing to cross. She knows you so well, Harold. Now we get to kill two birds with one stone.
- 我不能越过自己的底线她太了解你了 哈罗德现在我们要一石二鸟了
- Should we tie 'em up just in case? What was the point of all this, Ms. Groves? How did this ridiculous journey help anyone?
- 我们要不要把他们绑起来这到底是干什么 格罗夫斯小姐这场荒谬之旅有何意义

The famous Mr. Egret. It seems you materialized out of nowhere. Now you are everywhere.
How is that? I'm a very private person. Yes.
I am as well. You're lucky you know my friend, Jerry. We don't trust outsiders.
150000Would you like to count it? Mr. Egret and I are certain the money's all there.
No, I can't do this. - Harold - I'm sorry. This missile is no longer for sale.
I thought you were a man of your word, Mr. Egret. Not if it involves selling a rocket launcher to the mob. Any mob.
我还当你是守信用的人 白鹭先生我不能把火箭发射器卖给黑帮任何黑帮
That happens to be a line I'm not willing to cross. She knows you so well, Harold. Now we get to kill two birds with one stone.
我不能越过自己的底线她太了解你了 哈罗德现在我们要一石二鸟了
Should we tie 'em up just in case? What was the point of all this, Ms. Groves? How did this ridiculous journey help anyone?
我们要不要把他们绑起来这到底是干什么 格罗夫斯小姐这场荒谬之旅有何意义
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/video/201606/447846.shtml