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疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第48期:善解人意

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I'm good with people. Yeah. That still remains to be seen. I was always helping my friends meet girls,
  • 我善解人意是啊 这还得走着瞧我总是帮朋友们去搭讪姑娘
  • One time my buddy asked me to help him on the side, said he'll pay. A business is born.
  • 有一次我的朋友让我暗地里给他帮忙说他会付钱业务就此诞生
  • Two years later, he's getting married. So have some hope. I got hope...
  • 两年后 他结婚了所以 满怀希望吧我满心希望
  • That this speech is gonna end soon. You keep living in the past, you're gonna wind up alone.
  • 你赶快废话完你要是一直活在过去就会孤独终老
  • Can't run away from your past either. Mr. Egret, it's an honor. I've read a lot about you, sir.
  • 反正也逃避不了过去白鹭先生 真荣幸久仰大名 先生
  • Your tour in the Gulf, your work with Blackwater. Who's the hottie? She's none of your concern.
  • 听说您曾在海湾地区 跟黑水公司合作这辣妹是谁与你无关
  • An AT4, anti-tank shoulder- launched munitions system with 84-millimeter rounds and a firing range of 300 meters. Nice piece of machinery.
  • AT4反坦克肩射武器系统84毫米弹头 300米射程东西不错
  • 50, 000, as agreed. It was nice doing business with a legend. Hope we get to work together again someday.
  • 说好的五万很高兴能跟传奇做生意希望将来还有机会合作
  • Mr. Egret, would you mind telling us what you plan to do with the missile? Just out of curiosity.
  • 白鹭先生 介意告诉我你打算用这导弹做什么吗只是好奇
  • You know? I would mind very much. What are we gonna do with this? I don't know yet,
  • 我介意 非常介意我们要拿这个做什么我还不知道
  • But I am truly enjoying this new side of you, Harold. It's very unexpected. Dare I ask how you procured that amount of money?
  • 不过我好喜欢你这一面 哈罗德真是意想不到能问问你哪里搞来这么多钱的吗
  • It involved some breaking and entering. I take it these men will just continue to sell munitions on the black market?
  • 一点点溜门撬锁的事就是说这些人还会继续在黑市上出售武器
  • Have a little faith, Harry. Put the case down. Don't you move!
  • 有点信心 哈罗放下箱子别动


疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕).jpg

I'm good with people. Yeah. That still remains to be seen. I was always helping my friends meet girls,

我善解人意是啊 这还得走着瞧我总是帮朋友们去搭讪姑娘

One time my buddy asked me to help him on the side, said he'll pay. A business is born.


Two years later, he's getting married. So have some hope. I got hope...

两年后 他结婚了所以 满怀希望吧我满心希望

That this speech is gonna end soon. You keep living in the past, you're gonna wind up alone.


Can't run away from your past either. Mr. Egret, it's an honor. I've read a lot about you, sir.

反正也逃避不了过去白鹭先生 真荣幸久仰大名 先生

Your tour in the Gulf, your work with Blackwater. Who's the hottie? She's none of your concern.

听说您曾在海湾地区 跟黑水公司合作这辣妹是谁与你无关

An AT4, anti-tank shoulder- launched munitions system with 84-millimeter rounds and a firing range of 300 meters. Nice piece of machinery.

AT4反坦克肩射武器系统84毫米弹头 300米射程东西不错

50, 000, as agreed. It was nice doing business with a legend. Hope we get to work together again someday.


Mr. Egret, would you mind telling us what you plan to do with the missile? Just out of curiosity.

白鹭先生 介意告诉我你打算用这导弹做什么吗只是好奇

You know? I would mind very much. What are we gonna do with this? I don't know yet,

我介意 非常介意我们要拿这个做什么我还不知道

But I am truly enjoying this new side of you, Harold. It's very unexpected. Dare I ask how you procured that amount of money?

不过我好喜欢你这一面 哈罗德真是意想不到能问问你哪里搞来这么多钱的吗

It involved some breaking and entering. I take it these men will just continue to sell munitions on the black market?


Have a little faith, Harry. Put the case down. Don't you move!

有点信心 哈罗放下箱子别动

重点单词   查看全部解释    
machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri]


n. (总称)机器,机械

munitions [mju:'niʃənz]


n. 军火,弹药 名词munition的复数

unexpected ['ʌnik'spektid]


adj. 想不到的,意外的

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

missile ['misail]


n. 导弹,投射物





