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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Some people?
  • 什么人?
  • They look official.
  • 他们看上去像官员
  • Child services? - That's what I'm thinking.
  • 儿童服务中心吗? 我觉得也是
  • Okay. - Here we go.
  • 好吧 我们走
  • Mr. Johnson, we would have called first, but you don't have a telephone.
  • 强纳森先生 我们该先联系你的 可是你没有电话
  • No, no, no, we got a phone.
  • 不 不 不 我们有电话
  • It's just not connected right now. But I'm on it, you know.
  • 只是目前线路故障 但很快解决的
  • I'm not gonna say it's been easy since the wife left, but...
  • 妻子去世后生活不易 但
  • we're getting on fine. Sure are.
  • 我们能应付 当然
  • And I'm gonna pay these off, I swear. Just as soon as I find a new job.
  • 我会把这些付清 我发誓 只要找到新工作
  • A new job?Yes.
  • 新工作? 对
  • I used to be in this Willy Nelson tribute band. I was thinking about...
  • 我曾参加威利·尼尔森翻唱乐队 我正策划
  • getting the guys back together again, soon as our bass player gets paroled.
  • 重新组队 前提是我们的贝斯手能保释出来
  • And the drinking, I know it, I know it looks bad.
  • 强纳森先生 至于喝酒 我知道 我知道这很糟
  • And licking that sucker is at the top of my list.
  • 我已经把戒酒提上日程了
  • Please don't take away from me.
  • 拜托你们别把莫莉带走
  • I'll do anything you say, I swear.
  • 我会照你们说的做 我发誓
  • She's just my only good thing.
  • 她是我唯一的宝贝
  • Mr. Johnson, we're not from Social Services.
  • 强纳森先生 我们不是社会服务部的
  • No?
  • 不是吗?
  • We're from the State Election Bureau.
  • 我们是州竞选办事处的
  • Fuck! Thank you, Jesus!
  • 混蛋 感谢上帝
  • I'm Secretary of State Brower. And this is Attorney General Wyatt.
  • 我是州务卿布劳尔 这位是检察长怀亚特
  • Mr. Johnson, did you cast your vote last night?
  • 强纳森先生 你昨晚投出选票了吗?
  • Last night, did you vote?
  • 昨晚 你投选票了吗?
  • That's right, it's my civic duty, isn't it?
  • 没错 那是公民义务不是吗?
  • Indeed it is.
  • 确实如此
  • Mr. Johnson, is this your signature?
  • 强纳森先生 这是您的签名吗?
  • I guess.
  • 我猜是吧
  • You guess it's your signature?
  • 自己的签名还用猜
  • No, no. That's right. That's my signature.
  • 不 没错 这的确是我的签名
  • Did you retain your stub?
  • 你是否保留着存根
  • What stub?
  • 什么存根?
  • The perforated stub on top of your ballot.
  • 你选票上的有孔存根
  • Molly, Where's that perforated stub that I gave you for your school project?
  • 莫莉 有孔存根呢? 我给你做学校项目的
  • I've got it.
  • 我去拿


Some people?

They look official.
Child services? - That's what I'm thinking.
儿童服务中心吗? 我觉得也是
Okay. - Here we go.
好吧 我们走
Mr. Johnson, we would have called first, but you don't have a telephone.
强纳森先生 我们该先联系你的 可是你没有电话
No, no, no, we got a phone.
不 不 不 我们有电话
It's just not connected right now. But I'm on it, you know.
只是目前线路故障 但很快解决的
I'm not gonna say it's been easy since the wife left, but...
妻子去世后生活不易 但
we're getting on fine. Sure are.
我们能应付 当然
And I'm gonna pay these off, I swear. Just as soon as I find a new job.
我会把这些付清 我发誓 只要找到新工作
A new job?Yes.
新工作? 对
I used to be in this Willy Nelson tribute band. I was thinking about...
我曾参加威利·尼尔森翻唱乐队 我正策划
getting the guys back together again, soon as our bass player gets paroled.
重新组队 前提是我们的贝斯手能保释出来
And the drinking, I know it, I know it looks bad.
强纳森先生 至于喝酒 我知道 我知道这很糟
And licking that sucker is at the top of my list.
Please don't take away from me.
I'll do anything you say, I swear.
我会照你们说的做 我发誓
She's just my only good thing.
Mr. Johnson, we're not from Social Services.
强纳森先生 我们不是社会服务部的
We're from the State Election Bureau.
Fuck! Thank you, Jesus!
混蛋 感谢上帝
I'm Secretary of State Brower. And this is Attorney General Wyatt.
我是州务卿布劳尔 这位是检察长怀亚特
Mr. Johnson, did you cast your vote last night?
强纳森先生 你昨晚投出选票了吗?
Last night, did you vote?
昨晚 你投选票了吗?
That's right, it's my civic duty, isn't it?
没错 那是公民义务不是吗?
Indeed it is.
Mr. Johnson, is this your signature?
强纳森先生 这是您的签名吗?
I guess.
You guess it's your signature?
No, no. That's right. That's my signature.
不 没错 这的确是我的签名
Did you retain your stub?
What stub?
The perforated stub on top of your ballot.
Molly, Where's that perforated stub that I gave you for your school project?
莫莉 有孔存根呢? 我给你做学校项目的
I've got it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

retain [ri'tein]


vt. 保持,保留; 记住

attorney [ə'tə:ni]


n. (辩护)律师

tribute ['tribju:t]


n. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队





