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老托福听力93篇集锦:Part C(MP3+文本) 第55篇:短故事

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Yesterday we talked about the anecdote.
  • Today we're going to move on to one of the most popular literary forms in Western literature the short story.
  • A short story is a piece of prose fiction, usually under 10,000 words.
  • Although it's similar to the anecdote, it's really a separate literary form.
  • You'll remember that the anecdote's sole purpose is to entertain, and that it does this by relating a curious or interesting event.
  • Well, there are also events in short stories, but the short story uses the event as something a character reacts to the reader's interest is captured by the effect that this event has on the character in the story.
  • We're even likely to reread a short story to better understand the character who is being portrayed and why a certain event led to a certain response or action.
  • A short story, though, is not just a short novel.
  • A novel is narrative it tells a detailed story that usually takes place over a long period of time.
  • A short story is less comprehensive than a novel, and the focus is on a character's mental reaction to an experience this reaction is the heart of the short story.
  • Now I want you to think back to the short story you read for homework and I'll give you a list of questions to think about.


Yesterday we talked about the anecdote.

Today we're going to move on to one of the most popular literary forms in Western literature the short story.

A short story is a piece of prose fiction, usually under 10,000 words.

Although it's similar to the anecdote, it's really a separate literary form.

You'll remember that the anecdote's sole purpose is to entertain, and that it does this by relating a curiousor interesting event.

Well, there are also events in short stories, but the short story uses the event as something a character reacts to the reader's interest is captured by the effect that this event has on the character in the story.

We're even likely to reread a short story to better understand the character who is being portrayed and why acertain event led to a certain response or action.

A short story, though, is not just a short novel.

A novel is narrative it tells a detailed story that usually takes place over a long period of time.

A short story is less comprehensive than a novel, and the focus is on a character's mental reaction to an experience this reaction is the heart of the short story.

Now I want you to think back to the short story you read for homework and I'll give you a list of questions to think about.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
anecdote ['ænikdəut]


n. 轶事,奇闻

prose [prəuz]


adj. 散文的
n. 散文

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

reaction [ri'ækʃən]


n. 反应,反作用力,化学反应

entertain [.entə'tein]


v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱





