Beef up: 加强,补充
But experts warn the high-tech network of sensors and buoys would be useless unless countries like Indonesia beef up communications links to the coastal communities that would be hit by giant waves.
。Payroll tax: 工资税
The Bush administration is focusing on a Social Security proposal that would allow younger workers to invest nearly two-thirds of their payroll taxes in private accounts, with contributions limited to about $1,000 to $1,300 a year, an administration official said Tuesday.
。Indigenous: 本土的;土产的
The shooting started before dawn on a bridge on the other side of town from the captured police station in Andahuaylas, 275 miles southeast of Lima, Radioprogramas radio reported. The station was seized Saturday by followers of Antauro Humala, a retired army major who, along with his brother, seeks to establish a nationalist indigenous movement modeled on the ancient Incan Empire.
据广播报道,这场枪战发生在安黎明达韦拉斯城镇的警察局,距离利马(秘鲁首都)275英里Antauro Humala,一名退役少校和他的兄弟销毁,以建立古老印加帝国的本土文化 。
。周六该据点已被Spearhead: 充当先锋,带头
Although the United States was not among the first at the scene after last week's natural disaster thousands of miles from American shores, it is now spearheading the international relief effort and delivering more supplies than any other nation. A U.S. warship strike group carrying thousands more Marines was headed in to help.
。并派出了一只多达几千名海军陆战队员的部队参加救援 。Enclave: 被包围的领土
The top Palestinian security official Wednesday ordered troops deployed along the Gaza-Israel frontier in an attempt to curb attacks from the Arab enclave, and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon reversed course again, approving a "security meeting" that for the time being headed off a possible large-scale Israeli invasion to curb the surging violence.
巴勒斯坦高级安全官员周三命令士兵驻扎加以边境,以制止对阿拉伯地区的袭击Ariel Sharon一反常态,同意“安全会议”以阻止暴力行为 。