[双语散文] 幸福宝典:我懂女人心 别样的魅力
When women cease to handsome, they study to be good.女人一旦不再漂亮,就会学着向善。There are no ugly women; there are only women who not know how to look pretty.世上没有丑陋的女人,只有不知该如何使自2012-05-18 编辑:Jasmine
[关注社会] 北美八成家庭女性掌财政大权
Men still make the most money in the average household, but it's women who control the purse strings.如今在普通家庭中,男人仍然是主要的经济支柱,但女人却掌握着家中的财政大权。While thatߜ-05-18 编辑:Jasmine
[职场双语] 职场双语:高处不胜寒的女高管
Do men and women converge in terms of what motivates them as they climb the corporate ladder?在攀登事业阶梯的动机方面,男性和女性趋同吗?It is a question laden with preconceptions and assumptions –2012-05-15 编辑:Jasmine
[他她话题] 美离婚"女养男"呈上升趋势
Tables have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to US lawyers.美国律师称,如今美国的离婚案审判发生了重大转变2012-05-14 编辑:Jasmine
[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第16期:未婚职业女性
习语:a bachelor girl讲解:Bachelor通常是指未婚男子,即单身汉,但是与girl连用时就是指未婚女人了,此语特指不依靠别人,自己维持生活的女人。目前,在英美国家,指未婚职业妇女,与汉语口语中的女强人有相似之2012-04-25 编辑:Ballet
[他她话题] 他她话题:女人婚前不可不知的7件事
The New York Times reported that over half of the births to US women younger than 30 occurred outside of marriage in 2009. Most of the ongoingrise of births to unmarried women occurred to couples liv2012-03-29 编辑:jasmine
[关注社会] 阿富汗版花木兰:女儿当自强
For economic and social reasons, many Afghan parents want to have a son, BBC reported. This preference has led to some of them practicing the long-standing tradition of Bacha Posh — disguising girls2012-03-29 编辑:jasmine
[他她话题] 女人先立业后成家更易患产后抑郁症
Women who wait to have a baby until after they have established their career are more likely to suffer from post-natal depression, scientists say.[qh]科学家称,那些等事业有成再要宝宝的女性更容易患产后2012-03-22 编辑:jasmine
[TED演讲] TED演讲:一位女性外交家
前美国国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特坦诚地谈到政治与外交,要让女性参与到外交政策的中心议程上。她说到,女性参与远不是一个软性议题,这常常是最困难的一个议题,直接牵连着生与死。她与帕雷媒体中心的帕特·米切尔有2012-03-19 编辑:Daisy
[关注社会] 知识女性收入远不及丈夫 中途隐退渐成趋势
Susanna Mancini used to be successful as a lawyer and well paid for it. But her career eventually succumbed to her husband's even bigger success. She quit in 2005 when her six-digit income was ov2012-03-12 编辑:jasmine