[职场双语] 强大女性教你如何横扫人生七大沮丧时刻
女性的力量,希拉里·克林顿、J·K·罗琳、凯特·布兰切特、奥普拉·温弗瑞、可可·香奈、西蒙娜·德·波伏娃、李娜,7位名人的英语励志名言帮你横扫人生七大沮丧时刻。迷茫的时候,听听她怎么说Hillary Clinton希拉2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh
[美容时尚英语] 美容时尚:揭秘!亚洲女性护肤有窍门
Steps步骤Step 1 Keep washcloths in the fridge冷冻毛巾Keep a stash of washcloths in your refrigerator. Apply one to your face each morning to temporarily tighten pores, reduce swelling, get rid of puf2012-08-29 编辑:Jasmine
[时事新闻] 纽约女性裸胸游行 抗议男女裸胸权不平等
Some two dozen topless women protested in a New York City park on a hot, sweaty Sunday as part of what they called "National Go-Topless Day" to draw attention to inequality in topless right2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 最具权势女性榜 默克尔连续第二年登顶
Forbes magazine ranked German Chancellor Angela Merkel the most powerful woman in the world for the second year in a row in the annual list dominated by politicians, businesswomen and media figures.《2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[恋爱物语] 男性视角 什么样的女性最有吸引力
Every girl wants a man to care for her. This video shows how a girl can make a guy to like her. Step right in for the tips and you won't be disappointed.每个女孩都有一个白马王子的梦,本期节目2012-08-24 编辑:Amosway
[他她话题] 专家揭秘为何新时代女性大都30结婚
The typical first-time bride is now 30-years-old when she walksdown the aisle, according to UK's national statistics. They alsoshow that the number of marriages is at its lowest level since182012-08-22 编辑:justxrh
[TED演讲] TED演讲:看女性如何助冰岛应对金融危机
海拉. 托马斯多特将五个传统女性价值观运用到金融服务中,成功帮助其创办的Audur Capital 金融服务公司安全渡过了肆虐的金融风暴。在TED女性系列讲坛,她分享了这些价值观并强调了男女力量权衡的重要性。2012-08-17 编辑:lily
[TED演讲] TED演讲:女性崛起的新数据
汉娜·罗森回顾了表明女性在某些重要领域超越男性的一些显著的新数据,例如大学毕业率。这些不仅以美国为中心还在整个世界都流行的趋势是否预示着“男性时代的结束”?也许并非如此--但这些表明社会变化的数据值得揣2012-08-15 编辑:lily
[经济学人综合] 经济学人:职场女性 从此不再羞答答的开
Business.商业。Women in management.女性管理者。A word from your sponsor.后台一句话的事。Time for women to stop being shrinking violets at work.职场女性,从此不再羞答答的开。"I DON'T know2012-08-15 编辑:justxrh
[美容化妆] 美容化妆:东西方女性的化妆不一样
As the cosmetics world goes global, how will it affect individual nations' ideas of beauty? Now that anyone with internet access can check out the latest catwalk trends and advertising campai2012-08-12 编辑:justxrh