When we try to put historical events into perspective, we often simplistically divide things into 'old days' and 'modern times,' because our brains can often struggle with the concept of time. But what happens when things that you would consider to belong to the contemporary world are actually much older than we think? It jolts us out of our comfortable categorization and forces us to reasses the way we percieve history. That can only be a good thing, right? We here at Bored Panda have compiled a series of historical events that surprisingly took place at more or less the same time, and will make you think twice about how you look at the past. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and prepare to have your mind blown!

1.John Tyler, America's Tenth President, Was Born In 1790. He Has Two Living Grandchildren. So This Means...
(1)John Tyler was 63 when his son Lyon was born(1853).
(2)Lyon was 71 when Lyon Jr. was born (1924), and 75 when Harrison was born.
(3)Both sons are still alive.
2.Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth were born in the same year. Here thy ( both 30 at the time) Meet At A Movie Premier In London In October 1956
3.Harriet The Tortoise, Who Died In 2006, Had Seen Charles Darwin In Person
4.Woolly Mammoths Were Still Alive While Egyptians Were Building The Pyramids (2660 BCE)
5.Oxford University Existed For Hundreds Of Years Before The Aztec Empire Was Founded
6.George Washington Died In 1799. The First Dinosaur Fossil Was Discovered In 1824. George Washington Never Knew Dinosaurs Existed
7.Nintendo Was Founded When Jack The Ripper Was Still On The Loose (1889)
8.Anne Frank And Martin Luther King Junior Were Born In The Same Year (1929)
9.Today's Oldest Living Tree (A Bristlecone Pine) Was Already 1,000 Years Old When The Last Wooly Mammoth Died
10.Star Wars Came Out The Same Year As The Last Guillotine Execution In France (1977)
11.By The Time The Pilgrims Made It To Plymouth Rock, There Was A 'Palace Of The Governors' In New Mexico
12.Swiss Women Got The Right To Vote The Same Year The U.S. Drove A Buggy On The Moon (1971)
13.The Fax Machine Was Invented The Same Year The First Wagon Crossed The Oregon Trail (1843)
14.You Could Take The London Underground To The Last Public Hanging In The UK (1868)
15.Princess Diana And Mother Teresa Died Days Apart In 1997
16.NASA Was Exploring Space By The Time Scientists Could Agree On Plate Tectonics (1967)
17.Charlie Chaplin Died In 1977, The Same Year Apple Was Incorporated.
18.Harvard University Didn't Offer Calculus Classes For The First Few Years After The School Was Established... Because Calculus Hadn't Been Invented Yet
19.Eiffel Tower Was Inaugurated In 1889 For The World's Fair, Which Was The Same Year Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' Was Painted