Prosecutors have filed a bribery case against a former vice president of Shanghai Ocean University who was found to have "long improper relations with illegal construction bosses."
Li Yanchen, 53, became vice president of the university in October 2014.
Between 2002 and 2014 when he was vice president of Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, he took advantage of his position to seek profits related to the school's infrastructure, operations, and property for others.
In return, he received very large amounts of money from them, the No.1 Branch of Shanghai People's Procuratorate said yesterday.

The city's anti-graft body announced on August 3 that Li had been expelled from the CPC and removed from public office. It said Li severely violated Party discipline and had obstructed the investigation.
Li also violated the Party frugality code by visiting private clubs, attending banquets and accepting gifts. He made important decisions by himself and refused to implement decisions made by the Party or report his personal affairs as required.
Li graduated from Shanghai Railway University with a bachelor's degree in engineering in 1988 and obtained a master's degree in public administration from Tongji University in 2006.