This is the moment an alligator swiftly devoured one of its own without thinking twice.
Horrifying photographs shows the baby reptile desperately wiggling for freedom at Brazos Bend State Park in Needville, Texas.
Photographer Brad Streets, 31, was blown away by the brazen act of cannibalism.
He stopped by the river after noticing a "gut pile" floating in the river.
But minutes later he saw the larger alligator snatch the baby by the neck, before swallowing it whole.

He said: "I wasn't sure what was going on at first, I saw a gut pile floating by the large alligator so I stopped to observe."
"It wasn't until about an hour later that I finally got to glance at it and saw that it was, in fact, another much smaller alligator in its mouth. I was very excited to be seeing nature at work in this way."
Cannibalism is not extraordinary in the alligator community. Experts William Roots and Robert Chabreck said the reptiles devour babies in a bid to regulate their population.
Discussing the extent of cannibalism in the gator community, the pair said the act strongly influences the competitive interactions and life histories of populations.