A new study provides more good news for coffee lovers. Drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of early death - virtually regardless of how much you drink and whether or not it's caffeinated, concludes a paper published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine.
一项新研究为咖啡爱好者带来了好消息。喝咖啡与更低的早死率风险相关--不管你喝多少,也不管是否含有咖啡因,周一发表于JAMA Internal Medicine期刊的一篇文章总结道。
"We observed an inverse association for coffee drinking with mortality, including among participants who reported drinking at least one cup per day, up to eight or more cups per day, as well as those drinking filtered, instant and decaffeinated coffee," said Dr. Erikka Loftfield, the study's lead investigator and a research fellow at the National Cancer Institute, in an email to TIME.
"我们观察到喝咖啡与死亡率呈负相关,包括那些称自己每天至少喝1杯,最多喝8杯或更多杯的受试者,也包括喝那过滤咖啡、速溶咖啡和不含咖啡因的咖啡的受试者,"该研究的首席研究员、国家癌症研究所的研究员Erikka Loftfield博士在写给《时代》杂志的邮件中说道。
The researchers used data from the UK Biobank study, through which a large group of UK adults completed health questionnaires, underwent physical examinations and provided biological samples. For the current study, the researchers analyzed information provided by about 500,000 people, who answered questions about their coffee consumption, smoking and drinking habits, health history and more. During the study's 10-year follow-up period, around 14,200 of those people died.
UK Biobank)研究的数据,一大批英国成年人在研究中完成了健康问卷调查、做了体检、并提供了生物样本。对于目前的研究,研究人员分析了大约50万人提供的信息,他们回答了有关喝咖啡、吸烟和饮酒习惯、健康史等方面的问题。后续研究进行了10年,在这段时间内,约有14200人死亡。

The researchers found longevity benefits associated with nearly every level and type of coffee consumption. Risk reduction varied slightly depending on how much coffee someone consumed, its caffeine content and whether it was instant or ground. But overall, relative to non-drinkers, those who drank one cup of coffee per day had an 8% lower risk of premature death - a rate that rose slightly as consumption increased, peaking at 16% for those drinking six to seven daily cups, before dipping slightly, to 14%, for those having eight or more cups each day.
The speed at which a person metabolized caffeine didn't seem to affect longevity, despite prior research that suggested coffee consumption might be related to increased risks of high blood pressure and heart attack among people who metabolize caffeine slowly. But those studies only looked at coffee drinking after disease occurrence and did not examine overall mortality risk, as the current paper did, Loftfield said.