A new study has found that the number of American teenagers using Facebook is dropping. Many turn instead to YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat.
The study by the U.S.-based Pew Research Center found that 51 percent of American teens between the ages of 13 to 17 said they currently use Facebook.
This was a large drop from 2015, when 71 percent of teens in that age group reported using the social media service.
The study found that YouTube is now the most popular internet service for teens, with 85 percent saying they currently use it. The second-most popular is Instagram, at 72 percent. Facebook owns Instagram.

Sixty-nine percent of teens said they use Snapchat, while 32 percent use Twitter. Less than 10 percent reported using Tumblr or Reddit.
In March, another Pew study found that 68 percent of adults said they were Facebook users. Of those, 74 percent said they used the social media service daily. About half of the adults reported using Facebook several times a day.
Results of the latest study were based on interviews with 743 teens and more than 1,000 parents during March and April 2018.
The study also found that 95 percent of teens reported they either owned a smartphone or had a way of using one. This marked a 22 percent increase over a similar study from 2015.