Tiny tots think it's great fun to whirl around until they lose balance and fall down. And if we're honest, most of us have felt the room spin when we've gone to bed after too much booze. But when dizziness strikes for no obvious reason it's no joke and can be really debilitating.
1. Anxiety
1. 焦虑
If your swimming head is teamed with other nervy symptoms, like restlessness, palpitations and a feeling of dread, the chances are it's anxiety that's the problem.
Feel better: Exercising regularly, stopping smoking and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine will help. nhs.uk also recommends CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) as an effective anxiety treatment. If you're experiencing stress-related dizziness, breathe slower and deeper, and focus on a spot in the distance. Drink some water, as mild dizziness from dehydration may feel worse if you're anxious.

2. Low blood pressure
2. 低血压
Having low blood pressure can cause dizziness, particularly when you get up too quickly from a seated or lying position.
Feel better: If you know you're prone to this type of dizziness, always get up slowly. Having low blood pressure can be healthy, but rule out any underlying conditions with your GP.
3. Ageing
3. 衰老
Dizziness and unsteadiness are more likely when the eyes, vestibular system of the inner ear and muscles are no longer working in harmony. Age-related cardiovascular problems can also cause dizziness by affecting blood flow.
Feel better: Stay active - tai chi classes can help, according to the Vestibular Disorders Association. And talk to your GP about the prescription medicines you take because many have dizziness as a side-effect - there could be alternatives for you to try.
4. Anaemia
4. 贫血
Pale skin, tiredness and fatigue are the usual symptoms associated with iron-deficiency anaemia, but dizziness is another.
Dietitian Dr Sarah Schenker explains: "The reason anaemia can cause a light-headed feeling is because there's not enough iron to make red blood cells and haemoglobin that provide oxygen to the brain."
营养学家Sarah Schenker博士解释道:"贫血会导致轻微头晕是因为没有足够的铁组成红血球和血红蛋白,而这两种物质会为大脑提供氧气。"
Feel better. Get a blood test - if you're anaemic, you'll need to be prescribed a high-dose iron supplement. Iron-rich foods include lamb, beef, green ?vegetables and nuts. Avoid having a cuppa with meals as tea interferes with iron uptake.