One night 11 years ago I went to bed after a perfectly normal day and woke up paralysed from the waist down. I tried to get out of bed and nothing happened. Petrified, I banged on the floor and my dad Tim ran upstairs. My parents called a doctor and none of us had a clue what was going on. At first, doctors thought I had a tropical disease.
It took three weeks to regain normal mobility. Eventually I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My mum Tracey has the condition but I never thought it would happen to me as the risk of inheriting MS is tiny. At first, I took it in my stride and went back to work as an assistant manager for a mobile phone company.

And for the first five years life continued as normal. I didn't have any more attacks, I played football and was really active. I married Nancie, a 28-year-old cake maker. We were neighbours as kids and she knew I was ill when we got together. We started a family but now my MS has really kicked in and I am in pain every single day and need strong painkillers.
I have relapse and remitting MS, the most common type. It means I have relapses which can cause new symptoms - while old symptoms can suddenly increase in intensity. When in remission, you can have few or no symptoms - though, unusually, mine continue. My walking capabilities are getting worse, which means the disease might be moving into the secondary progressive stage.
At 5ft 8in, I only weigh 8st and have problems with my memory and bladder control. My main problem is fatigue. I suffer chronic pain in my legs, a constant burning, throbbing pain which affects my balance, walking, speech and memory. When I walk, I really have to think about it. I have to concentrate on not falling over, so I can't walk and talk at the same time.
I go to King's College Hospital in London once a month for blood tests. Nancie drives me when she can but I often need to get the train because she has to look after our children - seven-year-old Alice, who suffers from a genetic disorder, and our sons Bailey, six, and Teddy, 18 months.