The early stages of a relationship are usually pretty blissful. You're getting to know each other, finding out your likes and dislikes, and even falling starry-eyed in love. But while you're in this dreamy phase, it pays to inquire about some potentially uncomfortable topics, relationship experts say.
"Asking questions is the base to establish trust, safety, and emotional security," says Marissa Nelson, relationship therapist and founder of Intimacy Moons Retreats. "I can't tell you how many times I've worked with couples who point to the beginning of their relationship as a time when one partner wasn't forthright about something or didn't tell the truth."
"问问题是你们建立信任、安全感和情感安全的基础,"情感治疗师、Intimacy Moons Retreats的创始人玛丽莎·尼尔森说道。"我的很多客户都是这样,他们指出他们的关系从一开始就不直接,或者双方没有说出实话。"
What you ask is important-and so is how you broach these subjects. Instead of interrogating or issuing ultimatums, "come from a place of curiosity, and use questions as a way to learn, share, and grow together," says Nelson. The answers your new partner offers can clue you in to whether you're compatible in a long-term way. Here's what you need to discuss, plus the right approach to get answers.

How they feel about past relationships
No, you're not bringing this up to snoop into your new partner's old love life. You want to hear how they describe their former flames and how things ended. This can let you know that those past love interests really are in the past. And you'll hopefully get their take on what these relationships taught him, as well as if he blames them or holds grudges.
If they've been tested for STIs
Even if you've already jumped into bed together, ask your new partner about their sexual health history. "Discuss STIs and ask about the last time they were tested, their status, and if they've been sexual with anyone else since then," says Rachel Needle, a psychologist at the Center for Marital and Sexual Health of South Florida.
如果你们已经睡过了,那就问问另一半的性健康史。"聊聊性传播感染,问他上一次测试是什么时候、测试结果如何,以及自那以后有没有和别人睡过,"南弗罗里达婚姻与性健康中心的心理学家Rachel Needle说道。
If they say they've never been tested, you can say it's important to you to head to an MD, and you'll go with them if that makes it easier. If they strongly resist, they may have something to hide.